428 resultados para Ritual of St. Florian.
"Of the Brunetiere edition of the Works of Gustave Flaubert 999 sets have been printed, this set being no. 401."
v.l. Francillon, R.E. Left-handed Elsa. The great earthquake at Lisbon. Lever, Charles. Some one pays. Sir Tray: an Arthurian idyl.--v.2. Hamley, E.B. Shakespeare's funeral. Lockhart, L.W.M. A night with the Volunteers of Strathkinahan. The philosopher's baby. Oliphant, M.O.W. The secret chamber.--v.3 Majendle, Lady Margaret. A French speculation. Moncrieff, H.J. Rufus Hickman of St. Botolph's. Lewis. C.L. Hans Preller: a legend of the Rhine falls. Kingsley, Maurice. The Puerto de Medina. Harcourt, Alfred. Jack and Minory.--v.4. Considine, Bob. What I did at Belgrade. Shand, A.I. Wrecked off the Riff coast. Dollie and the two Smiths. Majendle, Lady Margaret. A railway journey.--v.5. The missing bills: an unsolved mystery. Cheadle, W.B. My hunt of the silver fox. Narrative of Prince Charlie's escape, by one of his companions. A Fenian alarm. Lindau, Rudolph. The philosopher's pendulum.--v.6. The battle of Dorking. Late for the train. Aytoun, W.E. ...
Reprint of the 1902-1930 ed. published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 8)
Includes appendix.
Appendices (v. 2, p. [347]-428): I. The Steeles of Cheshire, and others. II. Fords of St. Michael's parish, Barbadoes. III. Performances of Steele's plays. IV. Music for Steele's songs.
Includes index.
Cover title: The pageant and masque of St. Louis, Forest Park, St. Louis, Mo., May 1914.
Imprint varies.
In manuscript, p. iv : [the author] "The Revd. Sheepshanks, rector of St. Johns in Leeds".
From Annals of the Imperial academy of science of St. Petersburg, Sept. 17, 1908.
Introduction.--The cathedral church of Notre Dame.--The abbey church of St. Ouen.--St. Maclou.--Appendix I. Dimensions of the three churches.--Appendix II. The minor churches of Rouen.
"Works ... referred to": New Testament, vol. I, p. lxvi-lxvii: "The principal works consulted": vol. IV, p. 493-494.
Introductory -- The study of nature and the vision of God -- The metaphysic of Spinoza -- Plato and the founding of idealism -- The completing of idealism -- Erigena : the division of nature -- The theism of St. Thomas --Conclusion.
no. 13. [Dalgairns, J.B.] St. Aelred; Pattison, M. St. Ninian.--no. 14. [Pattison, M.] St. Edmund; Ornsby, R. St. Richard; Dalgairns, J.B. St. Waltheof; St. Robert.