375 resultados para Pershing, John Joseph (1860-1948) -- Portraits
Original image (attached to acidic board) was photographed and negative created by Lance Burghardt. Photographer of original print unknown
Original image (attached to acidic board) was photographed and negative created by Lance Burghardt. Photographer of original print unknown
Ink on linen. Signed. 106 cm. x 64 cm. Scale: 1"=10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Blue, yellow, black ink on linen; topo. lines, elevations. Signed. 178 cm. x 86 cm. Scale: 1"=40' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Brown, black ink on linen; topo. lines, elevations. Unsigned. 55 cm. x 58 cm. Scale: 1"=40' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Pencil on tracing paper; location, type of planting; notes. Signed. 126 cm. x 76 cm. Scale: 1"=20' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
verso: Conference at Macon, Georgia, Nov. 10-11, 1939; First row sitting. James A. Ford, John Alden, Joseph R. Caldwell, Dr. Frederick S. Hulse, John Bennett, ? ?, George I. Quimby Jr., Joffre Coe. Second row standing left to right: John C. Ewers, James B. Griffin, Madeline Kneberg, Marion L. Dunlevy, Charles H. Fairbanks, J. Joe Finkelstein, Karl Schmitt Jr., Charles G. Wilder, Carl F. Miller, Ralph Brown, ? Third row: Harold F. Dahms, Andrew H. Whiteford, Charles Snow, H. Thomas Cain, ? ?, Robert Ritzenthaler, Robert Wauchope, ? ?, ? West
Ink on linen; location, type, amounts of planting; "planting list" with type, size and quantities; unsigned. 84x73 cm. Scale: 1"=10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
back row: William Jacobson, Leonard Brumm, trainer Carl Isaacson, Clement Cossalter, Sam Stedman
middle row: manager Tom Bayless, Richard Starrak, Walter Gacek, D. Ross Smith, Ted Greer, coach Victor Heyliger
front row: John McDonald, Owen McArdel, captain Conrad Hill, Allan Renfrew, Gordon McMillan, Wallace Grant, Paul Milanowski
not pictured, John t. Griffin (AMA)
back row: mngr. Brook Hill Snow, Jack MacDonald, Leonard Brumm, Herb Upton, Al Renfrew, Gordon McMillan, Ted Greer, coach Vick Heyliger, John MacInnes
front row: Paul Fontana, Sam Stedman, Wally Gacek, Connie Hill, Owen McCardle, Dick Starrak, Ross Smith
not in picture: Wally Grant, Bob Marshall, Clem Cossalter, Bill Jacobson, Paul Wilanowski
Top Row: Alexis Adamjee, Jennifer Ahlquist, Crista Andress, Dawn Arringdale, Freda Ayensu, Genevieve Balangero, Maureen Berlucchi, Amanda Bevier, Nina Bibicoff, Rachel Black, Denise Black, Jackie Braun, Kristen Bryant, Betty Burgner, Julie Butchart, Nicholas Cameron, Jessica Carver, Christine Cha, Kelly Clement
Row 2: Lauren Cochran, Kathleen Connell, Amanada Cooperwasser, Lindsay Cousino, Lindsey Evans, Stephen Kilijanczyk, Kathryn Evans, Kathryn Bucrek, Ida Elise Broadwater, Renee Havey, Sharon Warner, Katie Darnell, Katrina DeWitt, Kolleen Kowalske, Keather Rechtweg, Kristen Cowan, Alison Damioli, Dinah Denton, Melinda Dobie
Row 3: Rosemarie Donnelly, Kelly Doyle, Deanna Dusseau, Jacqueline Elegant, Ashley Faulk, Kristin Ferszt, Christine Catalan, Sarah Borgstadt-Smith, Paul Holtz, Tracy Jakubiec, Chemari Justice, Patricia Oppenheim, Kelly Fleming, Melissa Foster, Emily French, Tracy Gallo, Kathie Garrett, Jacqueline Garry
Row 4: Monique Gennari, Megan Gerlinger, Deborah Glazer, Terah Griggs, Edward Grosser, Kristy Haigh, Amanda Halbert, Jennifer Hammer, Emily Harris, Erin Harris, Elizabeth Hassenrik, Elizabeth Heinbeck
Row 5: Brianna Hirsch, Jessica Hoffman, Heather Hoffner, Bridget Holtz, Melissa Housefield, Sarah Hudson, Kathy Huffnagle, Hilary Hunt, Ashley Jannesen, Lauren Jarvis, Sarah Jarvis, Younhee Jee
Row 6: Ruth Jensen, Janet Wilson Johnston, Brandi Josephs, Amy Kangwankij, Julie Kramb, Dianna Krankurs, Allan Kucab, Kimberly Lai, Sarah Layher, Erin Layher, Dung Le, Hedy Leiter
Row 7: Lauren Loftus, Michael Long, Caroline Loukotka, Shoshana Love, Norma Martinez, Kristen McElreath, Lindsi McErlean, Renee McGlone, Lynne McIntosh, Ian McLelland, Ashley Mester, Anika Meyers
Row 8: Elizabeth Miles, Sarah Miller, Juliana Moore, Nicole Nastanski, Sarah Neighbours, Emily Newman, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Judith Wismont, Kathleen Potempa, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Carolyn Sampselle, Joanne Pohl, Katie Pace, Bethany Panyard, sejal Patel, Chelsea Patnoude, Amy Jo Perry, Joseph Piotrowski
Row 9: Kate Pittel, Natalie Podolsky, Jessica Pollman, Nicole Pratt, Laura Ready, Amanda Retzbach, Katie Richards, Nicole Rico, April Robertson, Meighan Robinson, Stephanie Robinson, Talia Roesner, Autumn Romanowski, Anne Sage, Sally Scharg, Melissa Schultz, Renee Shelton, Natalie Sherry
Row 10: Rebecca Siereveld, Karen Simon, Emily Sosnowski, Elissa Stier, Darcy Stoll, Nicole Sukich, Erin Sykes-Miller, Tami Szuba, John Tallman, Michelle Taylor, Ashley Thelen, Gina Thomas, Rachel Tovian, Yuanyuan Wan, Nicole Young
Back Row: mngr. Wayne Morse, Gerritt Wierda, Hal Morrill, William Roberts, Irv Wisniewski, Don McIntosh, William Bauerle
Front Row: Boyd McCaslin,. Mack Supronowicz, coach Osborne "Ozzie" Clark, captain Robert Harrison, Pete Elliott, William Mikulich, Joseph Stottlebower