340 resultados para Stare decisis, res judicata, Supreme Court
Addenda (p. 61-72): Public meeting of the Georgia bar association, Illinois state bar association.
At head of title: State of Vermont. Supreme Court, Franklin Co. Jan. term, 1882.
Includes the decisions of the Supreme Courts of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi, the Appellate Courts of Alabama and, Sept. 1928/Jan. 1929-Jan./Mar. 1941, the Courts of Appeal of Louisiana.
At head of title: Permanent digest for 1915-
Includes the decisions of the Supreme Courts of California, Colorado, Kansas, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Utah, and New Mexico; Dec. 1890/Mar.1891 -July 1931, Supreme Court of Oklahoma; July/Dec. 1891-Apr./June 1905, Court of Appeals of Colorado; May/Aug. 1895-Apr./June 1901, Courts of Appeals of Kansas; June/Oct. 1905-Oct./Nov. 1926, Courts of Appeal of California; Sept./Dec. 1908-July 1931, Criminal Court of Appeals of Oklahoma; Nov. 1926/Jan. 1927-July 1931, District Courts of Appeal of California; June/July 1930-July 1931, Appellate Dept. of the Superior Court of California
Kept up to date by supplements and replacement volumnes.
Subtitle varies: 1876-1948, Containing cases determined by the High Court at Allahabad and by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on appeal from that Court (varies slightly); 1949-50, Containing cases determined by the High Court at Allahabad and by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Federal Court of India on appeal from that Court; 1951-55, Containing cases determined by the High Court at Allahabad and by the Supreme Court of India on appeal therefrom, and also the acts and ordinances of the State of the Uttar Pradesh.
By William Beidelman.
Contains reports of decisions of Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Luzerne County courts, some other county cases and a few cases from other states.
"Containing cases decided in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and in the Court of Common Pleas, Orphans Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Court of Quarter Sessions of the County of Luzerne."
Includes decisions of the Supreme and Superior courts on appeal from Schuylkill County.
"Containing reports of cases decided by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the several county courts of the Commonwealth."
"A bicentennial series."
Title Varies: Preliminary Draft of Proposed Amendments To Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts of the United States
Description based on: 1958/59