68 resultados para Men, masculinities and methodologies
top row: Ryan Burt, Jim Findlayson, 3rd row Dan Heikkenen, Scott MacDonald, Kevin Sullivan, Ian Forsythe, Kris Eggle;
2nd row: Men's coach Ron Warhurst, Jessica Kluge, Heather Grigg, Jen Barber, Shawn MacKay, Matt Schroeder, Courtney Babcock, Theo Molla, Molly Lori;
front row: Karen Harvey, Katy Hollbacher, Chris Szabo, Molly McClimon, Women's coach Mike McGuire.
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Mode of access: Internet.
p. [A]-H, advertising matter.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliography.
Mode of access: Internet.
Scene showing a group of men, women, and children. The men appear to be members of the Grand Army of the Republic, possibly the Gov. Crapo Post #145
How can the modern individual control his or her self-representation when the whole world seems to be watching? This question is a familiar one amid the the twenty-first century's architecture of 24-hour newsrooms, chat rooms and interrogation rooms, but this book traces this question back to the stages, the pages, and the streets of eighteenth-century London--and to the strange and spectacular self-representations performed there by England's first modern celebrities. These self-representations include the enormous wig that the actor, manager, and playwright Colley Cibber donned in his most famous comic role as Lord Foppington--and that later reappeared on the head of Cibber's cross-dressing daughter, Charlotte Charke. They include the black page of 'Tristram Shandy,' a memorial to the parson Yorick (and his author Laurence Sterne), a page so full of ink that it cannot be read. And they include the puffs and prologues that David Garrick used to hiehgten his publicity while protecting his privacy; the epistolary autobiography, modeled on the sentimental novel, of Garrick's protégée George Anne Bellamy; and the elliptical poems and portraits of the poet, actress, and royal courtesan Mary Robinson, known throughout her life as Perdita. Linking all of these representations is a quality that Fawcett terms "over-expression." 'Spectacular Disappearances' theorizes over-expression as the unique quality that allows celebrities to meet their spectators' demands for disclosure without giving themselves away. Like a spotlight so brilliant it is blinding, these exaggerated but illegible self-representations suggest a new way of understanding some of the key aspects of celebrity culture, both in the eighteenth century and today. They also challenge many of the disciplinary divides between theatrical character and novelistic character in eighteenth-century studies, or between performance studies and literary studies today. Drawing on a wide variety of materials and methodologies, 'Spectacular Disappearances' provides an overlooked but indispensable history for scholars and students of celebrity studies, performance studies, and autobiography--as well as to anyone curious about the origins of the eighteenth-century self.
The early history of practical anatomy.--The history of the Philadelphia school of anatomy and its relation to medical teaching.--Our recent debts to vivisection.--Recent progress in surgery.--The new era in medicine and its demands upon the profession and the college.--The real rewards of medicine.--Medicine as a career for educated men.--Vivisection and brain surgery.--Medical education.--The advantages of an academic training for a medical career.--Literary methods in medicine.--Address at the unveiling of the statue of the late Prof. Samuel D. Gross, M.D.--Semicentennial address in surgery before the American medical association.--The debt of the public to the medical profession.--The endowment of medical colleges.--The ideal physician.--Address at the Royal college of surgeons of England at the conferring of honorary degrees at the centenary celebration of the granting of its present charter.--The progress of surgery in the nineteenth century.--The mission of a medical college.--The duties and responsibilities of trustees of public medical institutions.--The qualities essential to success in medicine.--The cheerfulness of death.--The need for increased endowments for medical instruction.--Age and youth in medicine.--Surgical reminiscences of the civil war.