43 resultados para Donato Giannotti
"Los argumentos de Elio Donato sobre las Seis Comedias de Terencio": p. 356.
Tit. del vol. 2: Apéndice al derecho internacional de España, que contiene los tratados, leyes recopiladas, reales cédulas pragmáticas, reales órdenes y otros documentos que se citan en el tomo primero de esta obra.
Encuadernado con: "Traité universel des drogues simples..." / par Nicolas Lemery.
Las h. de grab. pleg. calc.: "Donato Ft."
Contiene según consta en port.: Dou'è la Vita e di S. Guglielmo, capo, e fondatore di quel monasterio, e su'ordine; e di S. Amato, vescouo di Nusco, e gia suo discepolo; e di S.Donato, monaco dell'ordine stesso. Con vn compendio delle Vite de gli abati da S. Guglielmo in qua: descrizzione del luogo, suo reliquiario, miracoli successiui, indulgenze e priuilegi conceduti e da Papi, e da imperadori, e da re alla detta religione. ...
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contains besides the original 46 lives, Aratus, Galba, and Otho, by Plutarch, and "The lives of Annibal and Scipio African, translated into French by Charles de La Sluce, and Englished by Thomas North" (v.6, p.[342]-431) attributed to Donato Acciajuoli, and "The comparison" (p. 431-435) by Simon Goulart.
v. 6. The village convict, by C. H. White. The Denver express, by A. A. Hayes. The misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley, by Lina R. Fairfax. The heartbreak cameo, by L. W. Champney. Miss Eunice's glove, by A. Webster. Brother Sebastian's friendship, by H. Frederic.--v. 7. The bishop's vagabond, by Octave Thanet. Lost, by E. Bellamy. Kirby's coals of fire, by Louise Stockton. Passages from the journal of a social wreck, by Margaret Floyd. Stella Grayland, by J. T. McKay. The image of San Donato, by Virginia W. Johnson.--v. 8. The brigade commander, by J. W. De Forest. Split zephyr, by H. A. Beers. Zerviah Hope, by Elizabeth S. Phelps. The life-magnet, by A. A. Adee. Osgood's predicament, by Elizabeth D. B. Stoddard.--v. 9. Marse Chan, by T. N. Page. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor, by C. S. Gage. Eli, by C. H. White. Young Strong of "The Clarion," by Milicent W. Shinn. How old Wiggins wore ship, by Captain R. T. Coffin. "--mas has come," by L. Kip.--v. 10. Pancha, by T. A. Janvier. The ablest man in the world, by E. P. Mitchell. Young Moll's peevy, by C. A. Stephens. Manmat'ha, by C. De Kay. A daring fiction, by H. H. Boyesen. The story of two lives, by Julia Schayer.