42 resultados para Craig, James


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Standing (Adults) L-R: Marion Waterhouse Angell (Mrs. J.R.); James Rowland Angell; Andrew C. McLaughlin; Fanny C. Cooley. Angell (Mrs. A.C.); Alexis Caswell Angell; Sarah Caswell Angell (daughter of A.C), Lois Angell McLaughlin

Middle Row: James Waterhouse Angell (son of J.R.), Marion Angell (McAlpin) (daughter of James R.) James Burrill Angell, Isabel McLaughlin

Front Row: Constance McLaughlin (Green); Robert Cooley Angell (son of A.C.); Esther Lois McLaughlin (Donahue) David Blair McLaughlin; Rowland Hazard McLaughlin; James Burrill Angell II (son of A.C.): James Angell McLaughlin


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Back Row: Steve King, Ed Pollister, Ed Wojtys, Mike Lantry, Jeff Spahn, Carl Russ, Kurt Kampe, Mark Jacoby, Tom Jenson

8th Row: Rick VanTongeren, Rick Jekel, Glenn Franklin, Lin Hardin, Dennis Franks, Bill Hoban, Roy Burks, Dave Metz, Mark McClain

7th Row: Dave Brown, Dennis Franklin, Gil Chapman, Jeff Perlinger, C.J. Kupec, Greg DenBoer, Steve Strinko, Chuck Heater, Pat Tumpane

6th Row: Norm Long, John Carpenter, Larry Banks, Kevin Masterson, Jim Lyall, Doug McKenzie, Jim Johnston, James Armour, John Thomas

5th Row: Jon Cederberg, Dave Brandon, Mike Day, Art Fediuk,John Cherry, Greg Koss, Don Warner, Ron Szydlowski,

4th Row: Larry Johnson, Walt Sexton, Craig Mutch, Gary Hainrihar, Doug Trozak, Walt Williamson, Don Coleman, Jovan Vercel, Barry Dotzbauer

3rd Row: Dave Elliott, Tom Slade, Harry Banks, Kevin Casey, Mike Hoban, Paul Seal, Dave Gallalgher, Ed Shuttlesworth, Bob Thornbladh, Tom Drake, Larry Gustafson

2nd Row: John Pighee, Jerry Schumacher, Tom Kee, Tom Coyle, Fred Grambau, Paul Seymour, Clint Spearman, Bill Hart, Greg Ellis, Tony Smith, Clint Haslerig

Front Row: Tom Poplawski, Larry Cipa, John Daniels, Don Eaton, Dave Zucarelli, Gary Coakley, Randy Logan, David (Bo) Rather, Alan Walker, Jim Coode


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Back Row: Asst. coaches Bob Thornbladh, Tom Reed, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Tim Davis, Bill McCartney, Jack Harbaugh, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Don Nehlen, Barry Pierson, Jerry Zuver, Eqp. Mgr. Jon Falk, Trainer Lindsy McLean

8th Row: Marcus Bond, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Kurt Becker, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Tom Wandersleben, Fred Motley, Andy Cannavino, Mike Kligis, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson

7th Row: Kirk Yearian, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Rodney Feaster, Stanley Edwards, Mike Trgovac, Dave Nicolau, Jeff Jackson, Neal Ginley, Kelley Keough, John Prepolec, Ben Needham, Stuart Harris, Rick Jones

6th Row: Derek Williams, Tony Woodford, Jay Allen, James Humphries, David Payne, Tom Keller, Ron Pratl, Rich Novak, David Angood, Craig Page, Dan Murray, Thomas Moss, Larry Jones, Brian Virgil

5th Row: Roger Gaudette, Virgil Williams, Gerald Diggs, Gene Bell, Dave Kadela, Gary Quinn, Ralph Clayton, Chuck Hetts, Mel Owens, Gary Weber, John Wangler, Keith Gilmore, Irvin Johnson, Tony Leoni, Jim Kozlowski

4th Row: Sr. Mgr. Don DiPaolo, Nick Labun, Mike Harden, Michael Davis, Lawrence Reid, Mike Jolly, John Powers, Chris Godfrey, Jeff Bednarek, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Doug Marsh, Ron Simpkins, Roosevelt Smith, Gregg Willner, Tim Malinak

3rd Row: Ed Kasparek, Mark Braman, Bob Patek, Stacy Johnson, Dale Keitz, John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Jon Giesler, Chip Pederson, Mark DeSantis, Mark Torzy, Rock Lindsay, William Jackson, Bob Hollway, Tom Melita

2nd Row: Max Richardson, Curt Stephenson, Derek Howard, Steve Graves, John Anderson, Bill Dufek, Mark Donahue, Co-captain Walt Downing, Garry Szara, Mike Kenn, Rick White, Dominic Tedesco, Jim Pickens, Kevin King, Co-captain Dwight Hicks, Head Coach Bo Schembechler

Front Row: Raymond Johnson, Roger Bettis, Mike Smith, Russell Davis, Tom Seabron, Gene Johnson, Steve Nauta, Rex Mackall, Greg Bartnick, Dave Harding, Mark Schmerge, Jerry Meter, Rick Leach, Harlan Huckleby, Woody Brown


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Back Row: ass't coaches Ron Vanderlinden, Bob Thornbladh, Milan Vooletich, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Fritz Seyferth, Jim Kozlowski

9th Row: student manager Tom Anderson, trainer Russ Miller, eqp. manager Jon Falk, Curtis Antrum, Bill Jacoby, Ethington, Robin Koschalk, Scott Roberts, Mike Korowin, Ali Haji-Sheik, Anthony Carter, Chip Pederson, Roger Gaudette, Bob Patek

8th Row: Jerry Burgei, Jeff Cohen, Duke Hayes, John Brown, Jim Herrman, Joe Mosketti, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Bill Bonnell, Paul Girgash, Ken Gear, John Lott, Ricky Davis, Nate Davis

7th Row: Karl Tech, Doug Agnew, Rich Hewlett, Steve O'Donnell, Craig Dunaway, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Mike Cade, Jimbo Davis, Keith Bostic, Larry Ricks, Brad Fischer, Kevin Ssmith

6th Row: Brian Carpenter, Vince Shaw, Tom Neal, Dave Brewster, Sanford Washington, Fred Brockington, Mike Lemirande, Rich Strenger, Norm Betts, Tony Kelsie, Mike Petsch, Mike Czarnote, Kevin Longe, Marion Body

5th Row: Jeff Reeves, Jim Paciorek, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Tom Garrity, Mark Warth, Ed Muransky, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Robert Thompson, Zeke Wallace, Gary Lee, Jeff Felten

4th Row: Brad Bates, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson, Fred Motley, Kelly Keough, John Prepolec, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Tom Wandersleben, Mike Kligis, Bryan Virgil, Frank Raiford

3rd Row: Tom Moss, Stan Edwards, Dave Nicolau, Stu Harris, Ben Needham, Kurt Becker, Chuck Hetts, Mike Trgovac, andy Cannavino, Rodney Feaster, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Tony Jackson, Irvin Johnson

2nd Row: James Humphries, Gary Quinn, Dan Murray, Tony Leoni, John Wangler, Gary Weber, Mel Owens, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Lawrence Reid, Roosevelt Smith, David Payne, Tom Keller, Jay Allen

Front Row: Gerald Diggs, Mark Braman, Mike Jolly, John Powers, co-capt. Ron Smpkins, co-capt. John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Dale Keitz, Ralph Clayton, Chris Godfrey, Doug Marsh, Mike Harden, coach Bo Schembechler


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Back Row: Fred Mushinski, Jerry Hanlon, Lloyd Carr, Fritz Seyferth, Jerry Meter, Ron Vanderlinden, Milan Wooletich, Mike Gittleson, Les Miles, Paul Schudel, Bob Thornbladh, Bill McCartney, Tim Davis, Tirrel Burton

8th Row: Dennis Hammond, Jon Falk, Brad Maxon, Mike Melnyk, Fritz Burgess, Roger Joseph, John Lanman, Rolie Zagnoli, John Ferens, Larry Cerasi, Jeff Nate, Cedric Smith, Russ Miller

7th Row: Evan Cooper, Vincent Bean, Tom Dixon, Glen Dwyer, Nate Rodgers, Jeff Shaw, Mike Wilson, Larry Sweeney, Ron Prusa, Doug James, Bob Dana, Mike Boren, Carlton Rose, Tim Anderson

6th Row: Don Bracken, Greg Armstrong, Kerry Smith, Steve Smith, Dave Hall, Vince DeFelice, Stefan Humphries, Milt Carthens, Rod Lyles, Jerry DiOrio, Dave Meredith, Harry Gosier, Tom Hassel, Greg Powell

5th Row: Ali Haji-Sheikh, Nate Davis, Ricky Davis, John Lott, Duke Haynes, Jim Herrmann, Dan Yarano, Todd Triplett, Joe Mosketti, Scott Roberts, Marshall Parks, Kevin Smith, Bill Jacoby, Frank Raiford

4th Row: Anthony Carter, Larry Ricks, Rich Hewlett, Jerry Burgei, Keith Bostic, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Craig Dunaway, Tom Neal, Vincent Shaw, Jeff Cohen, Don Ryan, Brad Fischer, Paul Girgash, Kenny Gear

3rd Row: Mike Czarnota, Fred Brockington, Robert Thompson, Jeff Felten, Tom Garrity, Bubba Paris, Ed Muransky, Rich Strenger, Mike Lemirande, Mark Warth*, Zeke Wallace, Cedric Coles, Sanford Washington, Tony Kelsie

2nd Row: Oliver Johnson, Brian Carpenter, Tony Jackson, Butch Woolfolk, Jim Breaugh, Fred Motley, Chuck Christian, Kelly Keough, Tom Wandersleben, Brad Bates, Norm Betts, Jeff Reeves, Marion Body, Karl Tech

Front Row: Alan Mitchell, Tony Osbun, Kurt Becker, Mike Trgovac, John Wangler, George Lilja, Mel Owens, John Powers, Gerald Diggs, Andy Cannavino, Dave Nicolau, Stan Edwards, Rod Feaster, Stu Harris, Coach Bo Schembechler

* = left the team


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Back Row: Fritz Seyferth, Bob Chmiel, Alex Agase, Jerry Meter, Elliot Uzelac, Paul Schudel, Jerry Hanlon, Gary Moeller, Tirrell Burton, Milan Vooletich, Lloyd Carr, Bob Thornbladh, Dennis Doornbos, Mike Gittleson

9th Row: Chuck Ritter, Jon Falk, Ken Gear, Bob Kimball, Ed Hood, Camp Fellin, Marc Shevrin, Joe Mosketti, Charlie Fromm, Russ Miller

8th Row: Pat Moons, Derek Woodmore, Greg Randall, Triando Markray, Andy Moeller, Mike Krauss, Dan Decker, Jerry Quaerna, Rick Frazer, Dieter Heren, Ben Logue, Keith Cowan, Robert Harris

7th Row: Tony Gant, Steve Johnson, Thomas Wilcher, Eddie Garrett, Paul Schmerge, Mike Reinhold, Marty Shimko, John Mihic, Mark Hammerstein, Jim Harbaugh, Dan Rice, Bob Perryman, Gilvanni Johnson, Ivan Hicks

6th Row: Joe English, Todd Schlopy, Mike Melnyk, John Ferens, Mike Sessa, John Ghindia, Sim Nelson, Gil Zimmerman, Eric Kempthorn, Bruce Brown, Dave Simon, Sylvester Ogletree, John Paciorek, Bob Bergeron

5th Row: Tom Knoebel, Mike Odioso, Phil Lewandowski, Bob Popowski, Clay Miller, Jeff Akers, Kevin Brooks, Art Balourdos, Mike Hammerstein, Brian Mercer, Bob Tabachino, Joe Gray, Jim Scarcelli, Riley McPhee

4th Row: Greg Powell, Brad Cochran, Al Sincinch, Mike Mallory, Eric Kattus, Vince DeFelice, Tim Anderson, Dave Meredith, Larry Sweeney, Mike Wilson, Nate Rodgers, Robert Dana, Rick Rogers, Fritz Burgess

3rd Row: Evan Cooper, Greg Armstrong, Don Bracken, Carlton Rose, Tom Hassell, Kerry Smith, Dave Hall, Jerry Diorio, Ron Prusa, Milt Carthens, Doug James, Rodney Lyles, Mickey Hanlon, Lou Kovacs

2nd Row: Vince Bean, Stefan Humphries, Nate Davis, Ricky Davis, John Lott, Scott Roberts, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Rich Hewlett, Jeff Cohen, Jim Herrman, Steve Smith, Mike Boren, Tom Dixon

Front Row: Marion Body, Jerald Ingram, Mike Lemirande, Winfred Carraway, Craig Dunaway, Keith Bostic, Rich Strenger, Robert Thompson, Anthony Carter, Lawrence Ricks, Paul Girgash, Tom Garrity, Jerry Burgei, Ali Haji-Sheikh, Bo Schembechler


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Back Row: Lee Taggert, Paul Schmidt, Phil Bromley, Jeff Long, Bob Chmiel, TJ Weist, Jim Hermann, Bobby Morrison, Tirrel Burton, Lloyd Carr, Jerry Hanlon, Tom Reed, Bill Harris, Cam Cameron, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Jon Falk, Todd Jager, Ed Whited

7th Row: Ken Mouton, Kevin Keenan, Jeff Watson, Jim Plocki, Mike Landsittel, Bob Bland, James Buda, *John Davidson, *Jason Wallace, Michael Tilmann, Adam Pratt, Todd Richards, *Jay Riemersma, Mike Bossary, Irv Sigler, Phil Dorn, Matt McCoy, Mark Woodson, Mark Bonnsetter

6th Row: *Brad Blazy, Mike Sullivan, Jason Carr, Walter Reggan, Felman Malveaux, Jason Horn, Eddie Davis, Jamie Mignon, Trent Zenkewicz, Trezelle Jenkins, Tyrone Wheatley, Paul Barry, Che Foster, Joe Marinaro, Carig Randall, Ante Skorput, Damon Southward, Brian Smith, Rob Vanderleest

5th Row: Pete Elezovic, Joshua Wuerfel, Justin Carlson, Michael Looby, Matt Brady, Brian Foster, Mike Lyons, Marc Elliott, *Gordon Laro, John Jaeckin, Shonte Peoples, Julian Swearengin, Dave Henkel, Sergio Gasperoni, Eric Lovell, Mike Julier, Lasker Smith, Dorian Taylor

4th Row: Mike Lewis, *Charlie Stumb, Walter Smith, Jason Kendrick, Shawn Miller, Greg McThomas, Steve Morrison, Deon Johnson, Todd Collins, Ricky Powers, Nate Holdren, Matt Dyson, Tony Henderson, Gannon Dudlar, Marcus Walker, Jesse Johnson, Bobby Powers, Troy Plate, Ron Buff

3rd Row: John Albertson, Craig Randall, Mike Nadlicki, William Steuk, Dennis Washington, Coleman Wallace, Steve Rekowski, Dave Dobreff, Tony McGee, Burnie Legette, Derrick Alexander, Sylvester Stanley, Marc Burkholder, Marc Milia, Alfie Burch, Eric Graves, Ninef Aghakhan, Tony Blankenship, Kevin Hedding

2nd Row: Brian Foster, Paul Manning, Doug Skene, Brian Wallace, Rob Doherty, Martin Davis, Neil Simpson, Matt Elliott, Erick Anderson, Greg Skrepenak, Mike Evans, Alex Marshall, Chris Hutchinson, Joe Cocozzo, Steve Everitt, Eric Knuth, John Woodlock, Barry Kelley

Front Row: Eddie Azcona, Adam Pratt, Dwayne Ware, Pat Maloney, Yale Van Dyne, Dave Diebolt, J.D. Carlson, Corwin Brown, Elvis Grbac, Desmond Howard, Otis Williams, Lance Dottin, Ken Sollom, Dave Ritter, Brian Townsend, Randy Stark Livetius Johnson, Head Coach Gary Moeller

* = no longer on team


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York Township (Mich.) residence. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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First Dean of University of Michigan Law School, 1859-1871. On verso: Sam B. Revenaugh's Photographic Establishment, 28 Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan


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President of the University of Michigan, minister to China and Turkey. On verso: North & Oswald Photographers, Toledo, Ohio. Established 1864. Take the Passenger Elevator at St. Clair Street Entrance, and Visit our New Studios, 45 Hall Block. Largest and finest in the West. All negatives preserved and Registered...


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