29 resultados para Beverley Minster.
Mode of access: Internet.
Secretly printed in 1836 with a fictitious imprint and date of 1856. cf. Allibone, Crit. dict. of Eng. lit.
Second series, "by the Very Rev. A. P. Purey-Cust and others."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Indexes at end of each volume.
On cover: The Architectural record series
Mode of access: Internet.
An address delivered before the American Whig and Cliosophic societies of the College of New Jersey.
Mode of access: Internet.
First published London, 1705, with title: The history and present state of Virginia.
Top Row: Robyn Albrecht, Brea Anne Aldorfer, Elizabeth Andersen, Jamie Anderson, TaNea Andrews, Julie Badgero, Margarita Barrientes, Jessica Barton, Jennifer Baughman, Catherine Baxter, Jeff Bell, Jessica Bellardi, Sarah Bethel, Melissa Black, Sherese Black
Row 2: Daniela Bordei, Hannah Burgess, Tonya Melton, Patricia Kelly, Tanina Media, Lenette Whitehead, Suzanne Begeny, Jasmine Beale, Martha Richard, Stephanie A. Shafer, Sarah Wilson, Staci Byrd, Jennifer Cheng
Row 3: Rebecca Cohrs, Jeana Cox, Regina Cox, Emalee Danforth, Susan Daron, Kara Dazarow, Marites de la Fuente, Abigail Devine, Carrie Dickson, Christopher Ducher
Row 4: Jennifer Flynn, Elizabeth Foster, Nicole Gatesy, Michelle Gaudreau, Melissa Hagan, christa Hamilton, Christina Hazergian, Crystal Herwat, Rebecca Hunnicutt, Emily Johnston
Row 5: Valerie Jons, Rani Khan, Anne Konczak, Teresa Konopka, Joanne Pohl, Nola Pender, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Margaret Calarco, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Jan L. Lee, Jill LaDronka, Shane LaGore, Melanie LaPierre, Stacy lamb
Row 6: Kathleen Laughlin, Holly Leupp, Emily Lewellen, Victoria Lilga, Bethany Lusher, Nancy Ma, Lindsay Mahlstedt, K. Luba Manko, Beverley Marchant, Anne Marlatt, Martha Mason, Deborah McConnell, Robin Meganck, Jill Messina
Row 7: Patricia Milne, Yvonne Moran, Melissa Myer, Bradley Niese, Brooke Oakley, Kristy Opasik, Amanda O'Reilly, Elisabeth Paulson, Nancy Pavelek, Johnnie Peoples, Melissa Perry, Elissa Pocze, Michelle Ponikvar, Victoria Portman, Shelley Reeves
Row 8: Michael Rempel, Jill Richert, Jennifer N. Rish, Rebekah Royce, Kristan Schoenfeld, Shawn Schofield, Holly Setterington, Heidi Sprunk, Emily Staugaard, Rachel Stevens, Linda Suh, Tiffany Sylvertooth, Kimberly Taylor-Vincent, Arik Theeke
Row 9: Kim Thomas, Stephanie Thompson, Patricia Tillman, Leigh Tooman-Letson, Ryan Upson, Nicole Vance, Jacquelynne Walsh, Jill Weirich, Monica White, Anthony Worley, Heide Wright, Kelly Yager, Marichal Young
Mode of access: Internet.
v. 3 published by Eyre and Spottiswoode
(cont.): Cradle song : berceuse / Walter Spinney -- Andantino from Fantasia in C minor / W.A. Mozart -- Marche de fête / Edgar A. Barrell -- Minster march : from Lohengrin / R. Wagner -- Sunrise : op. 7, no. 1 / Sigfrid Karg-Elert -- Song without words = Chant sans paroles : op. 2, no. 3 / P. Tschaikowsky -- Prayer on motives from R. Wagner's Lohengrin : op. 54 / B. Sulze -- Festal march : op. 67, no. 8 / E.R. Kroeger -- Christmas march / G. Merkel -- Duke Street : postlude II / Geo. E. Whiting -- Canzonetta from the Raymond overture / A. Thomas -- Anniversary march : introducing Auld lang syne : op. 10 / J. Lawrence Ebb -- Two cradle songs = Zwei Wiegenliedchen / Herbert Botting -- Minuet from the overture to Berenice / G.F. Handel -- Funeral march = Marche funèbre : op. 35 / Franz Chopin -- March in B♭ / Wm. Faulkes -- The Son of God goes forth to war : postlude VI / Geo. E. Whiting -- Nocturne des anges : op. 18, no. 1 / George F. Vincent -- Hosanna! / Paul Wachs -- Roumanian bridal march / Herbert W. Wareing.