358 resultados para Alexander Pope
v. 1. Juvenile poems.--v. 2. Translations and imitations.--v. 3. Moral essays.--v. 4. Satires, etc.--v. 5. The Dunciad.--v. 6. Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose.--v. 7-9. Letters.
Contains patent from George II to William Warburton for sole publishing rights for fourteen years, in v. 1.
"Globe edition."
Mode of access: Internet.
Index: p. [189]-195.
Includes index: [15] p. at end of v. 5.
B.M.C. 991.h.27.
110 lines of Pope's Poem have been incorporated in the Play, and are indicated by brackets.--Author's note.
Engraved t.-p.'s with vignettes.
v. 1. Lives.--v. 2. Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Waller. Pomfret. Dorset. Stepney. J. Philips. Walsh.--v. 3. Dryden. Smyth. Duke. King. Sprat. Halifax.--v. 4. Garth. Rowe. Hughes. Addison. Sheffield (Duke of Buckingham) Prior. Congreve. Fenton.--v. 5. Granville. Yalden. Tickell. Swift. Hammond. Somerville. Parnell. Savage. Broome.--v. 6. The whole poetical works of Alexander Pope, Esq., including his translations of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.--v. 7. Moore. Cawthorne. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Mallet. Akenside. Gray. Littleton. Gay.--v. 8. Young. Churchill. Lloyd. Falconer. Thomson.
Volumes issued by Curll under the above title vary considerbly in their contents.
Reprinted from Pope, Alexander. Pope's epistle, Eloisa to Abelard, with introduction and notes by Henry Howard Harper. Boston, Printed exclusively for members. The Bibliophile society, 1923.
Verso of half title (p. [2]) and t.p. (p. [4]) blank.
"Price Half-a-Crown."
v. 1-2. The Iliad of Homer, tr. by Alexander Pope.--v. 3. The Odyssey of Homer, tr. by Alexander Pope.--v. 4-5. The comedies of Aristophanes; by T. Mitchell.--v. 5. The comedies of Aristophanes; Select comedies of Terence, tr. by George Coleman, The satires of Perseus, tr. into English verse by William Gifford.--v. 6-7. The vision of Dante Alighieri, tr. by H.F. Cary.--v. 8. The Lusiad; tr. fr. Camoens by W.J. Mickle.--v. 9-10. Tasso's Jerusalem delivered; tr. by J.H. Hunt.--v. 11. Selections from the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles & Euripides.