43 resultados para “owned by …”
Title from cover.
Soil contamination on the Elm Street site is located mainly underneath and near the building foundation. Groundwater contamination appears to extend beyond the property boundaries to the west towards the Fox River, which is approximately 1100 feet west of the site. The groundwater contamination is located in a mixed industrial, commercial and residential area. It is not clear at this point whether there may be multiple sources of contamination in the area. Currently the public water supply is only available to some properties along Route 120, where there is a water main in place. Most of the homes and businesses in the area use private wells for their water source.
Contamination in soil and groundwater was found during an investigation of a property located on the east side of the Fox River in McHenry, at 3004 W. Elm Street (Route 120) during 2003-2006. The property, currently owned by Inverse Investments, Inc., is enrolled in an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) cleanup program. It is the location of a car rental establishment. Gem Cleaners occupied the site from 1970 to 1977, after which it was occupied by a carpet dealer, an automotive repair facility, and a tire store. Historic use of solvents at the former dry cleaner location has resulted in contamination of the soil and groundwater with chlorinated organic compounds.
"This publication has been made available through a partnership of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Illinois Entrepreneurship Network Business Information Center, the Small Business Development Center Network and the U.S. Small Business Administration."--p. [4] of cover.
An index to the unpublished papers of Colonel Pickering owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society. The collection includes letters from Pickering, letters to him, and miscellaneous documents.
A supplementary volume was issued in 1912 under title "Gordons under arms," by Constance Oliver Skelton and John Malcolm Bulloch (New Spalding club publication no. 39) The three volumes were isssued also as Aberdeen university studies, nos. 8, 30 and 59.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
Vol. 1 reproduced from a ms. owned by Sir Charles Strickland; v.2 reproduced from Add. Mss. 4715 in the British Museum, and other sources. Cf. Prefaces.
"The earlier portion is derived from letters, many of them originals, deposited in The Cottonian and Harleian collections in the British museum. The latter portion is transcribed from a contemporaneous manuscript [owned by John Bowes ... of Streatlam castle]"--Pref., p. ix.
On verso: Delivery trucks and routeman. National Tea Company (owned by Victer [sic] Olsen, Danish vice consul [sic], Johansen)
attached letter: Dear Professor Lorch: At the suggestion of the July 31, 1953 Newsletter of the Michigan Historical Society I am sending you two photoes [sic] of the old lighthouse and adjoining building on Presque Isle, Michigan located on the shore of Huron lake, supposedly the oldest lighthouse on the Great Lakes. It is owned by Mr. F. B. Stebbins, 326 N. Capital, Lansing, Michigan. When through using the photos I would appreciate your returning them directly to him. The following information was given to me by Mr. Stebbins: Built in 1840, through a congressional appropriation of $5,000.- in Presque Isle county, described as, "Where a portage of 200 yards would save 4 miles of canoe trip." Jefferson Davis after graduation from West Point, was supposed to have built it. (According to careful historical investigation, this is not true. There is an article about this controversy in some back number of the Michigan History magazine. Mr. Stebbins feels very strongly about his. He prefers the legend, it sounds bigger). Francis Burgoyne Stebbins purchased from his Uncle Bliss Stebbins in 1930, who bought the property in 1930 from General Duffield of Dteoirt [sic], who had purchased it from the government a short time previously. This light-house was abandone [sic] upon the completion of a new lighthouse in 1872, one mile north from the present location. Adjoining house was used as a summer home. Condition restored in 1936. Lighthouse towe [sic] walls 3 feet thick with handhewn circular stone steps to the top. Signed, Lee H. Gregory
Schmidt, J.W. En dansk Mormon bibliografi,
Editors: May 1885-June 1908, Aaron Gove (with N. B. Coy, Jan. 1894- Sept. 1895 ; N. B. Coy, H. M. Barrett, Oct. 1895-June 1897 ; H. M. Barrett, Sept. 1897-Oct. 1905 ; D. R. Hatch, Nov. 1905-June 1908)--Sept. 1908-June 1922, D. R. Hatch. --Sept. 1922-Feb. 1926, H. B. Smith ; Mar. 1926- W. B. Mooney.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Sale number twenty-two."