472 resultados para Horses--Michigan
Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910. On verso: Photographed in 1887 by A.L. Colton of '89
Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of twoparallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910. On verso: Randall '76. 220 Woodward Avenue. Detroit, Mich.
North Wing completed in 1841; renamed Mason Hall in 1843 in honor of Stevens J. Mason, first governor of Michigan. South Wing (also called South College) built in 1849. Both wings demolished in 1950. Handwritten on mount: Lecture rooms. Mich. University
Gift of Clas of 1956
Steere in center. Left corner torn off image.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. View from the west.
Ware and Van Brunt, architect. An addition was built to the south in 1898. The 1883 portion was torn down in 1918.
Irving Kane and Allen B. Pond, architects. Plans for the Union were on a scale unknown at the time for "club houses" in American colleges and universities: 250 feet long and 200 feet wide. Construction began in 1916 and owing to war time difficulties was not ready to be used by students until 1919. View from the northeast.
Irving Kane and Allen B. Pond, architects. Plans for the Union were on a scale unknown at the time for "club houses" in American colleges and universities: 250 feet long and 200 feet wide. Construction began in 1916 and owing to war time difficulties was not ready to be used by students until 1919. Two new wings to the south were completed in 1936 and 1938. Verso: Dedication of $2,900,000 Union Wing Oct. 30, 1954. Edward Parker, first Union president, Tom Leopold, "55, Union president. 10 AM stone laying ceremony part of the weekend observance of the Golden Anniversary of the Union.
View of the Michigan League taken from the east probably on the roof of Hill Auditorium or from Burton Tower. On verso: The Michigan League at the University of Michigan is the social center for women. It houses the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, a dining room, cafeteria, game and hotel rooms. (typed) RETURN TO UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NEWS SERVICE, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN (stamp)
President Alexander Ruthven speaking at dedication ceremony.