336 resultados para Rose, Gillian
Front Row: Bill Yearby, Bill Keating, Arnie Simkus, Rick Sygar, captain Jim Conley, Rick Volk, Rich Hahn
2nd Row: Bob Timberlake, JIm Detwiler, Carl Ward, John Marcum, Brian Patchen, Dave Butler, Charles Kines, Ben Farabee
3rd Row: Dick Rindfuss, Dave Fisher, Forest Evashevski, Wally Gabler, Steve Smith, Craig Kirby, Bill Muir, Gerald Mader, Tom Cecchini
4th Row: Bill Laksey, Don Bailey, Dick Wells, Barry Dehlin, Clayton Wilhite, Bob Mielke, Ken Wright, Tom Haverstock
5th Row: Tom Parkhill, Jeff Houne, GArcy Schick, Mike Bass, Stan Kemp, Louis Lee, Dennis Flanagan, Charles Ruzicka
Missing: Mel Anthony, Tom Mack, John Henderson
[photo of a display at Tournament of Roses Hall of Fame]
[from Keith Baker, The 1908 Olympics
[#72 AL Wahl, #27 Ted Topor; #18 Leo Koceski; Oosterbaanindard suit in middle]
[#72 Al Wahl, #27 Ted Topor; #18 Leo Koceski; Oosterbaan in dark suit in middle]