375 resultados para Philipp, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1844-
[no. 1] Evans, George. The tariff of 1842 vindicated.--[no. 2] Evans, George. Discussion on the tariff.--[no. 3] Stewart, Andrew. Speech ... in defence of the tariff and distribution.--[no. 4] Wethered, John. Speech ... on the tariff.--[no. 5] Dayton, W.L. Speech ... on the tariff.--[no. 6] Stephens, A.H. Speech ... against the tariff bill reported by the committee of ways and means.--[no. 7] Rives, W.C. Speech ... on Mr. McDuffie's proposition to repeal the tariff act of 1842.--[no. 8] The tariff, a tract for the times, by a citizen of Virginia.--[no. 9] Tariff doctrine.--[no. 10] The sub-treasury.--[no. 11] Stuart, A.H.H. Speech ... on the bill to incorporate the subscribers to the fiscal bank of the United States.--[no. 12] Archer, W.S. Speech ... on the treaty for the annexation of Texas.--[no. 13] Jarnagin, Spencer. Speech ... on the treaty for the annexation of Texas.--[no. 14] Benton, T.H. Texas annexation bill.--[no. 15] Whig text book.--[no. 16] Hardin, J.J. Speech ... reviewing the public life & political principles of Mr. Van Buren.--[no. 17] White, John. Speech ... in defence of Mr. Clay upon the charge of "Bargain and sale".--[no. 18] Davis, Garret. Extract from the speech ... exhibiting the expenditures of Mr. Van Buren's administration, the public debt, and the condition of the Treasury at its close.--[no. 19] Barnard, D.D. Letter ... in review of the report of the committee of ways and means on the finances and the public debt.
Russian title at head of t.-p.
Opera, completed by N. A. Rimskiĭ-Korsakov and A. K. Glazunov.
Includes index.
On leaf opposite title page: "These opinions were originally published at the back of a digest of laws. Therefore the paging began with number 357. As all subsequent decisions and digests refer to these cases b this original paging, it was thought best to retain it."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The inaugural address of Frederick O. Prince, Mayor of Boston, to the City Council, January 1, 1877.
Mode of access: Internet.
Translation of the author's Gedanken und erinnerungen, Stuttgart, 1898.
Annual report of the American High Commissioner at Port au Prince, Haiti, to the Secretary of State.
1929 issued as U. S. Dept. of State Publication no. 76, Latin American series, no. 3.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vidal, et al., versus the city of Philadelphia -- Argument of Horace Binney, Esq., for defendants -- Argument of John Sergeant, Esq. -- Opinion, Supreme Court of the United States, January term, 1844 -- The will of the late Stephen Girard.
Mode of access: Internet.
Annual report of the American High Commissioner at Port au Prince, Haiti, to the Secretary of State.
Vol. for 1922 has title: Report of the American High Commissioner at Port au Prince, Haiti.
At head of title: Dominion of Canada.