231 resultados para Debray, Regis
"Spurious letters, the work of F. Babié de Bercenay and Count de La Platière." --N.Y.P.L. catalog.
Ex copy has 4 p. ms. preface bound in after t.p. of vol. 1.
Title within double ruled border; text within single rule border on every page, with double rule at top and bottom of page. The texts are arranged in six columns, along two pages.
Vol. 4 has imprint: London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode.
v. 1. Annales londonienses and Annales paulini edited from mss. in the British museum and in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth.--v. 2. Commendatio lamentabilis in transitu magni regis Edwardi. Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan auctore canonico bridlingtoniensi. Monachi cujusdam malmesberiensis Vita Edwardi II. Vita et mors Edwardi II conscripta a Thoma de la Moore.
Mode of access: Internet.