211 resultados para Sparks, Cliff
Top Row (left to right): ? Nelson*, Aram Nahabedian*, Robert Hicks, George Strong, Bradshaw McKee, James Costa, John Olson, George Sipp, Gene Kiddon, Don O'Connell, Doug Wicks.
Third Row: Barry Breakey, Ross Marshall, Byron Parshall, George Bradley, Herbert Hurell, Leon Hinz, Eugene Freed, James Smith, William Clark, Meryl Englander, Edwin Morey, Edward Rosatti.
Second: Dave Bradbury, James Sakai, Russell Buster, Robert Rodgers, assistant coach George Allen, captain, Charlie Ketterer, head coach Cliff Keen, Dick Mandeville*,? Singer*, Frank Whitehouse,
Bottom Row: John Wilcox*, Larry Shaw, ? Schnider*,? Budick*, Stanley Emerling*
*Did not earn 150 pound letter
Letterwinners not pictured: John Allred
Back Row: R. Glenn Dunn, Fred Rehor, Elton Wieman, Maurice Dunne, Hoyne Howe, Clarence Skinner, Cedric Smith, James Sharpe, James Whalen, Frank Willard, Earl MacLaughlin, Orva Williams, Philip Raymond, Sidney Eggert, Henry Dieters
Middle Row: trainer Harry Tuthill, asst. coach Miller Pontius, Harry McCallum, Richard Weske, Joseph Hanish, Walter Nieman, Albert Martens, Clifford Gracey, Willard Peach, Alan Boyd, John Goodsell
Nathaniel (?) Robbins, Donald Bathrick, N.J. Brazell, Edward Biber, Clifford Sparks, coach Fielding Yost, captain John Maulbetsch, Owen Watts, Harold Ziegler, asst. coach Prentiss Douglass
Top Row: Ted Kress, Dave Williams, William McKinley, Larry Cox, Dave Hill, Dick Kolesar, Van Schoick, Earl Johnson, Bob Ames.
6th Row: Tony Branoff, Ed Hickey, Don Bennett, Dick Vorenkamp, Tom Hendricks, Doug Murray, Charles Ritter, Mike Orend, Carl Kamhout, Jim Kirby, Joe Krahl.
5th Row: Don Dugger, Jack Wheeler, Wilbur Brown, Jerry Gonser, Bob Sriver, Jim Bates, Ray Donohoe, Dick Strozewski, Dave Rentschler, John Kuchka, George Corey, Phil Endres.
4h Row: Gerry Williams, Gordon Barnes, Edgar Meads, Charles Krahnke, Fred Baer, Stanley Knickerbocker, Jim Fox, John Peckham, John Morrow, Dick Rex, Coach J. T. White.
3rd Row: Coach Don Robinson, Don Drake, Joe Shomsky, Lou Baldacci, Salvatore DiMucci, George Dutter, Ray Kenaga, George Muellich, Jim Bowman, Ted Cachey, Coach Bill Orwig.
2nd Row: Cliff Keen, Dean Ludwig, Duncan McDonald, Ken Shields, Peri Gagalis, Pete Wolgast, Bob Milligan, Ron Geyer, Dick Beison, Dan Cline, Art Walker, Coach Matt Patanelli.
Front Row: Wally Weber, John Veselenak, Tad Stanford, Gene Knutson, Dick Balzhiser, Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy; Head Coach Bennie Oosterbaan; Bob Marion, Bob Topp, Ray VanderZeyde, Ron Williams, Jim Balog, Jack Blott.
Mode of access: Internet.
Sabin 88963
Mode of access: Internet.
Preface signed: J.L. [i.e. James Lenox]
Vols. 1, 3-12, 14-16, 18-20, 22, 25-27 have no date on t. p.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.