285 resultados para Parsis -- Bombay (Inde)
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pt. 1. Land birds.--pt. 2. Water birds.
XVIII. Astronomical observations for latitude made during the period 1885 to 1895 and deduced values of the deflections of the plumb-line. Prepared under the directions of...S.G. Burrard. 1906.--XIX. Levelling of precision in India (1858-190) by S.G. Burrard..1910.--XIXA. Descriptions and heights of bench-marks on southern lines of levelling. Prepared under the directions of S.G. Burrard. 1910.--XIXB. Descriptions and heights of bench-marks on the northern lines of levelling. Prepared under the directions of S.G. Burrard. 1910.
Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.
"Based on work originally compiled by the late Charles Loudon Bloxam, published in 1872; re-written and augmented by myself in 1882" A.K. Huntington.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Lettered on cover: Bombay government records ; Miscellaneous information connected with the Persian Gulf.
CONTENTS.--vol. I, no. 1. Notes on Indian insect pests. 1889. no. 2. Notes on Indian economic entomology. 1889. no. 3. Silkworms in India. 1890. no. 4. Notes on Indian economic entomology. 1890.--vol. II, no. 1. Economic entomology. 1891. no. 2. The wild silk insects of India. 1891. no. 3. On white insect wax in India. 1891. no. 4. The locusts of Bengal, Madras, Assam, and Bombay. 1891. no. 5. [Economic entomology, etc.] 1891. no. 6. A conspectus of the insects which affect crops in India. 1893.--vol. III, no. 1-3. [Notes on Indian insect pests, etc.] 1893-94. no. 4. An account of the insects and mites which attack the tea plant in India. 1895. no. 5-6. [Entomological notes] 1894-96.--vol. IV-vol. VI, no. 1. [Notes on Indian insect pests] 1896-1903.
Republished in part from the New York Sun, Good words, Scribner's magazine, the New quarterly review.
Contiene: Hérodote : histoire ; Vie d'Homére ; Ctésias : histoire de Perse ; Histoire de l'Inde ; Arrien : expédition d'Alexandre suivis de l'Essai sur la chronologie d'Hérodote et du canon chronologique de Larcher, avec une carte des expéditions d'Alexandre.
"Extrait des Mémoires de l'Académie de Stanislas (Société royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy."
Bd. 24. De elegantia Caesaris sive de commentariorum de b. G. et de b. c. differentiis animadversiones / O. Dernoscheck, 1903--Der Zug des Cimbern und Teutonen / A. Helbling, 1898--Unsere Armeesprache im Dienste der Caesar-Übersetzung / M. Hodermann, 1903--Cäsar, der Eroberer Galliens / R. Lange, 1896--Divico oder die von Caesar den Ost-Galliern und Süd-Germanen gegenüber Vertretene Politik, Lfg. I-III / H. von Müllinen, 1898-1901--Die Unterwerfung Galliens durch Cäsar verglichen mit der Bezwingung Frankreichs durch die deutsche Armee im Feldzuge 1870/71 / A. von Oertzen, 1904.
Vol. 5 has title: Lexicon Polybianum ab Is. et Merico Casaubonis olim adumbratum inde ab Jo. Aug. Ernesti elaboratum nunc ab Joanne Schweighaeusero emendatum plurimisque partibus auctum. Oxonii, W. Baxter, 1822.
Mode of access: Internet.