724 resultados para Menominee (Mich.)
The Island Park in the Huron River is a favorite picnic ground for students of University. Park developments have been extensively made during recent years until there are now over 200 acres of parks in the vicinity of Ann Arbor.
Handwritten on front of postcard: Ghost town of Alcona.
verso: attached to letter, W. B. Mershon to C. S. Osborn Dec. 24, 1909
written on verso: Frankfort, MI Riverboat, c. 1900
image: Miniature Bird House
description accompanying photograph: accession to Herbert H. Bartlett Ann Arbor. Original picture from which this negative and print were made is in Mr. Bartlett's possession. Corduroy road in Coldwater, Mich., on Sauk Trail, extended about 200 ft.; oak logs are pictured, about 18" in diameter, about 6' long; picture taken in 1911; Bert Davis, workman in picture; location is on East Chicago St., between Daugherty & Sprague Sts. in front of Morris Clarke residence.