239 resultados para Daughter
Illustrated by Edmund H. Garnett, J. Wagrez, E. Grivaz and others.
v. 1. Waverley.--v. 2. Guy Mannering.--v. 3. The antiquary.--v. . Old mortality.--v. 9. Ivanhoe.--v. 10. The monastery.--v. 11. The abbott.--v. 12. Kenilworth.--v. 13. The pirate.--v. 14. Fortunes of Nigel.--v. 15. Peveril of the peak.--v. 16. Quentin Durward.--v. 17. St Ronan's well.--v. 18. Red-gauntlet.--v. 19. The betrothed; The highland widow.--v. 21. Woodstock.--v. 22. The fair maid of Perth.--v. 23. Anne of Ceierstein.--v. 24. Count Robert of Paris.--v. 25. The surgeon's daughter; Castle dangerous.
Each volume has added title-page engraved, with vignette and engraved dedication.
Ed. by Andrew Lang.
The life of Mrs. Graham was written by her son-in-law Divie Bethune, and selections from her diary and letters were made by her daughter Joanna Graham Bethune.
Verso of t.p.: Published July, 1908.
v. 1. Waverly. Guy Mannering.--v. 2. The antiquary. The black dwarf. Old mortality.--v. 3. Rob Roy. The heart of Mid-Lothian.--v. 4. The bride of Lammermoor. A legend of Montrose. Ivanhoe.--v. 5. The monastery. The abbot.--v. 6. Kenilworth. The pirate.--v. 7. The fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the Peak.--v. 8. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan's well.--v. 9. Redgauntlet. The bethrothed. The talisman.--v. 10. Woodstock. The Highland widow. The two drovers. The surgeon's daughter.--v. 11. The fair maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein.--v. 12. Count Robert of Paris. Castle Dangerous. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. The tapestried chamber. The laird's Jock. Index and glossary.
Originally published in 1863 under title: The new American cyclopædia.
Remarks by William Hazlitt and others.
Each volume has special t.p.; title vignettes.
v. 1 Introduction. Rienzi Foscari. Julian. Charles I. v. 2. Sadak and Kalarade. Inez de Castro. Gaston de Blondeville. Otto of Wittelsbach. Dramaatic scences: Cunigunda's vow. The fawn. The wedding ring. Emily. The painter's daughter. Fair Rosamond. Alice Henry Talbot. The siege. The captive. The masque of the seasons.
On spine: Sheridan Knowles' Dramatic Works.
Wright III, 1054.
[v. 1]. The quiet husband. The secret foe (1845). The squire (1845). Who shall be heir?. -- [v. 2]. The merchant's daughter. The grandfather (1844). Nan Darrell. Kate Walsingham. The heiress (1845). -- [v. 3]. the prince and the pedler (1845). The fright. The expectant (1845). Ellen Wareham.
Beauty and the beast [a story of old Russia]--Tales of home: The strange friend. Jacob Flint's journey. Can a life hide itself? Twin love. The experiences of the A.C. Friend Eli's daughter. Miss Bertram's trouble. Mrs. Stongitharm's report.