190 resultados para ASS
Top Row: Akisha Franklin, Katie Dykhouse, Kenisha Walker
Third Row: Pollyana Johns, Stacey Thomas, Molly Murray
Second Row: Anne Thorius, Tiffany Willard, Ann Lemire, Mandy Stowe, Alison Miller
Bottom Row: ass't coach Yvette Harris, head coach Sue Guevara, ass't coach Eileen Shea, ass't coach Yulonda Wimbish
Back Row: manager Stephanie Van Eyk, student trainer Jennifer Rasmussen, trainer Roxann Dahl, Ruth Kipping, Raina Goodlow, Mandy Stowe, head coach Sue Guevara, Katie Dykhouse, Alison Miller, Heather Oesterle, manager James Sanders, manager Yulonda Cole, manager Robyn Scherr
Front Row: ass't coach Eileen Shea, vol. ass't coach Molly Murray, Alayne Ingram, Kenisha Walker, Ann Lemire, Stacey Thomas, Anne Thorius, ass't coach Yulonda Wimbish, ass't coach Yvette Harris
Back Row: ass't coach Yvette Harris, ass't coach Eileen Shea, Alayne Ingram, Infini Robinson, Susana Jara, Ruth Kipping, LeeAnn Bies, Raina Goodlow, Heather Oesterle, manager James Sanders, ass't coach Yulonda Wimbish-Gay, head coach Sue Guevara
Front Row: manager Yolanda Cole, trainer Roxann Dahl, co-captain Anne Thorius, Alison Miller, co-captain Stacey Thomas, Kenisha Walker, Katie Dykhouse, student trainer Jamie Corl, manager Stephanie Van Eyk
Back Row: ass't coach Ron Mott, ass't coach Yvette Harris, Cathy Speck, Leeann Bies, Jennifer Smith, Raina Goodlow, Christie Schumacher, James Sanders, dir. basketball operations Yulonda Wimbish-Gay, ass't coach Eileen Shea
Middle Row: trainer Roxann Dahl, manager Joy Huntington, Infini Robinson, Stephanie Gandy, Alayne Ingram, Michaela Leary, Susan Jara, Heather Oesterle, head coach Sue Guevara
Front Row: Anne Thorius, Katie Dykhouse
Back Row: coach H.O. Crisler, William Keenan, Paul White, William Pritula, Donald Boor, Philip Sharpe, Robert Oren, Robert Derleth, Philip Marcellus, John Greene, Otto Chady, Robert Shemky, John Karwales, William Kuyper, Albert Wistert, Peter Gritis, Frank Wardley, Walter Freihofer, asst. Coach Ernie McCoy
Middle Row: backfield coach Earl Martineau, Vincent Secontine, Clifford Wise, Donald Cady, Philip Mooney, Warren Yaap, Charles Kennedy, James Brieske, Elmer Madar, Charles Avery, Robert Vernier, George Kiesel, Robert Stenberg, Angelo Trogan, William Rohrbach, George Ceithaml, Robert Chappuis, line coach Clarence Munn
Front Row: ass't coach Art Valpey, Mervin Pergament, Clifton Myll, Donald Lund, Rudy Smeja, Mervin Pregulman, Don Robinson, John VanSummern, Ralph Amstutz, Tom Kuzma, Robert Wiese, Robert Kolesar, Julius Franks, William Baldwin, Fred Bryan, ast. Coach William Barclay
Top Row: Roosevelt Stiger, Joe Lahey, Livius Stroia, Jim Sears, Hank Schmidt
3rd Row: ass't coach Chester Stackhouse, John McKean, John Ingersoll, James Byerly, Gene Hirsch, Willie Gies, John Roxborough, Charles Donahey
2nd Row: Ernie Leonardi, Charles Pinney, Buell Morley, George Ostroot, Will Ackerman, Bob Segula, st. mngr. Chuck Boynton.
Front Row: George Pettersen, Frank McCarthy, Al Thomas, captain Alfred Piel, Coach Ken Doherty, Dave Matthews, John Kautz, Bob Ufer
Back Row: Robert Danforth, Frank S. Simons, Forris D. Stevens, Albert H. Keith (baseball mngr), Harry Helfman (recoding secretary)
Middle Row: Harry L. Weinstein (treasurer), Carl M. Green, J.Deforest Richards (President), Albert Stevens, A.L.C. Atkinson
Front Row: Harry S. Vernon, Harrison Smalley, Harry T. Heald (ass't football mngr.)
Missing: Charles Tryon (vice president), Harry Potter (financial secretary), Ward Hughes (foootball mngr.), Allan Campbell (track mngr.), Walter Herrick (track mngr.), Harold Emmons, ass't football mngr.)
Title Varies: 1912, Proceedings of the First Co-Operative Safety Congress, Held under the Auspices of Ass'n of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept.30th To Oct.5th, 1912; 1913, Proceedings of the National C
Title varies slightly
"Beginning with rpt. for 1878 (and occasionally in previous years), each rpt. [up to 1910] cont. a compilation of the laws rel. to banks, savings banks, trust and investment cos. and building and loan ass'ns.