605 resultados para University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Daybook, image #40
Apparatus for nerve muscle experiment. The machine on the right gives shocks at the desired frequency (source: Physiology at Michigan, 1850-1923 by Horace W. Davenport)
On verso: Alice Hamilton in front row bench, third from left
Dean of University of Michigan Law School, 1939-1960
Dean of University of Michigan Law School, 1966-1971
York and Sawyer, architects. Given to the university by William W. Cook, the four buildings comprising the Law Quadrangle with their construction dates are: the Lawyers Club, 1924; the John P. Cook Dormitory, 1930; the Legal Research Building, 1931, and Hutchins Hall, 1933. The Legal Research Building includes the original library. Stamp on verso: Michigan Tourist Council Photo; Lansing, Michigan; no. 810-28. Second stamp on verso: Transferred to Historical Commission Archives