175 resultados para Pedagogy of common sense
[v. 1] Introduction, and Reason in common sense.--[v. 2] Reason in society.--[v. 3] Reason in religion.--[v. 4] Reason in art.--[v. 5] Reason in science
"Of this special de luxe Independence edition of the centenary issue of the writings of Thomas Paine there have been printed five hundred numbered copies." This set not numbered.
"Only one part of 3 Starkie (l88 pages, without index) was published" Vol. 3 was not reprinted in this edition.
At head of title: Clement's official edition of the police report ...
"Essays of Dr. Franklin"--p. [136]-180. "We have selected a few of his lighter essays as a sequel to the biography; desirable, both as displaying somewhat of the character of their author, and conveying common sense maxims likely to be of much service to the young."--p. [136]. Includes verse.
Common sense.--The crisis.--Rights of man; part I and II.
"A select bibliography of common school education for Negro Americans": p. [9]-12.
Title vignettes; marginalia.
"The lectures that follow were delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston in November and December, 1906, and in January, 1907, at Columbia University, in New York."--Pref.
[v. 1] Reason in common sense.--[v. 2] Reason in society.--[v. 3] Reason in religion.--[v. 4] Reason in art.--[v. 5] Reason in science.