197 resultados para Dwellings -- Insulation
On verso: Jack Lehr. Detroit Times
Shows flower border and trellis
On verso: Toward Barton Hills Golf Club House, Walser, and Oliphant Residences from top of hill by .... in wood (?) Telephoto x 8. Print: June 1977 from original negative (nitrate)
On verso: Homestead at 315 S. 5th Ave.
On verso: Spencer & Wyckoff, Commercial Photographers, Detroit
Home of Robert J. Hubbard, 13369 Riker Road, Chelsea, MI 48118. Built by UM Alumnus James Paul with bricks from Waterman Gym
Judge Thomas McIntyre Cooley house. Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. Image clipped from publication.
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. On verso: Mrs. Baker
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. Image clipped from publication
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. On verso: Postcard postmarked Oct. 1914 and addressed to: Miss Mildred Lehman(?) Churchville, N.Y. Text: Hello Mildred: This is the place you want to come to next year. How does school go. Write to Harold, 513 S. Division, Ann Arbor.
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. On verso: Postcard addressed to The Slausms (?) Text: A Merry Xmas Brownie
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. View from southwest