353 resultados para Pacca, Bartolommeo, cardinal, 1756-1844.
Supplemented by his Die historischen volkslieder vom ende des dreissigjährigen krieges, 1648, bis zum beginn des siebenjährigen, 1756, Heilbronn, 1877.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
AMNH Library's copy lacks Bd. 1, Th. 2 and Bd. 4, Th. 2, Lief. 3; also lacks plate 1 of atlas (may not have been published)
Mode of access: Internet.
Each volume contains a "Table chronologique des lettres analysées."
"Estratto dal Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova, a. XVI, 1913.
Translation of Revelations of Russia : or The Emperor Nicholas and his empire in 1844.
"Epigramme de messire Michel de L'Hospital ... A tres excellent & tres illustre prince Charles, cardinal de Lorraine" and "Discovrs de messire Michel de L'Hospital ... sur le sacre de François II": p. 558-584.
v. 1. Some account of Shirley and his writings. Commendatory verses on Shirley. Love tricks, or, The school of complement. The maid's revenge. The brothers. The witty fair one. The wedding.--v. 2. The grateful servant. The traitor. Love's cruelty. Love in a maze. The bird in a cage. Hyde park.--v. 3. The ball. The young admiral. The gamester. The example. The opportunity. The coronation.--v. 4. The lady of pleasure. The royal master. The duke's mistress. The doubtful heir. St. Patrick for Ireland. The constant maid. The humorous courtier.--v. 5. The gentleman of Venice. The politician. The imposture. The cardinal. The sisters. The court secret.--v. 6. Honoria and Mammon. Chabot, admiral of France. The Arcadia. The triumph of peace. A contention for honour and riches. The triumph of beauty. Cupid and death. The contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the armour of Achilles. Poems.
With this are bound: Holmes, w. REligious allegories. 1860; and Baxter, R. Directions for getting ... spiritual peace. [18--?]
Bibliography: p. 276-277.
Mode of access: Internet.
Maps on lining papers.