18 resultados para Proverbia
Commentary includes the English translation.
Incluye índice de voces hebráicas.
Mode of access: Internet.
Dunbar's "Rules, &c. of Homer's versification," in English: p. [v]-vii.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 3 in two parts, each with title: "... Arabum proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales..."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
v. 1. Genesis -- v. 2. Exodi et levitici -- v. 3. Numerorum et deuteronomii -- v. 4. Iosue, iudicum, ruth -- v. 5. Samuhelis -- v. 6. M̈alachim -- v.7. Verborum dierum -- v. 8. Ezrae, tobiae, iudith -- v. 9. Hester-- v. 9. Hester et iob -- v. 10. Psalmi -- v. 11. Proverbia, ecclesiastes, canticum, canticorum -- v. 12. Sapientia-Sirach -- v. 13. Isaiae -- v. 14. Hieremias -- v. 15 Hezechielis -- v. 16. Danihelis -- v. 17 Duodecim prophetarum.
Vol. 2, Prophetae priores: Josua, Judicum, Samuel, Regum ; Vol. 4, Hagiographa : Psalmi, Proverbia, Job, Canticum canticorum, Ruth, Threni, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemias, Chronicorum.
Vol. 9 carries t.-p. of v. 11.
Contains a transcript of the "Nathr al-laʾālī" from the Leyden manuscript, with variant readings from the Paris codex and from "Proverbia quaedam Alis imperatoris muslemici," edited by Thomas Erpinius (1629), a selection from the London manuscript of the "Ghurar al-ḥikam," arranged in alphabetical order by ʻAbd al-Wāḥid al-Āmidi (11th cent.), and proverbs ascribed to ʻAlī in al-Maidānī's "Majmaʻ al-amthāl," based on the London manuscript and compared with variant readings by Everard Scheidius.
"Elogia": 36 p. at end.
A reprint of two pamphlets "Ghemeene Duytsche spreekwoorden: Adagia oft proverbia ghenoemt ... P.W. 1550. Gheprent toe Campen ... by my Peter Warnersen," and "Les proverbes anciens, flamengs et françois, correspondants de sentence les uns aux autres, colligés et ordonnés par M. François Goedthals. Anvers, Impr. de C. Plantin, 1568."
Jamla ordsspråk på latin och swenska, efter en Upsala-hanskrift utgifne och med glossarier försedde.
The manuscript bears the title Proverbia Latino-Suecica.