46 resultados para (1871-1872)
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"Preliminary to the full report in the quarto series, vol. V, Zoology. The list of birds of Utah ... by Mr. Henshaw, appeared as a separate paper in the Annals of the Lyceum of natural history of New York, vol. xi, June, 1874."
First published by F. Polo in 1871-1872.
Commissioners: 1867-1871, George B. Wright.--1871-1872, Richard D. Harrision.--1872-1874, Orlow L. Wolcott.--1874-1876, John G. Thompson.--1876-1878, Lincoln G. Delano.--1878-1880. William Bell, Jr.--1880-1881, James S. Robinson.--1881-1885, Hylas Sabine.--1885-1887, Henry Apthorp.--1887-1890, William S. Cappeller.--1890-1892, James A. Norton.--1892-1897, William Kirkby.--1897-1901, Raymond S. Kayler.--1901-1906, James C. Morris.
Disbound original held in Oak Street Library Facility.
v.1 1850-1958 -- v.2 1859-1861 -- v.3 1862-1863 -- v.4 1864-1866 -- v.5 1866-1868 -- v.6 1869-1871 -- v.7 1871-1872 -- v.8 1872-1873 -- v.9 1874-1875 -- v.10 1875-1876 -- v.11 1877-1878 -- v.12 1878-1880 -- v.13 1880-1882 -- v.14 1882-1884 -- v.15 1884-1886 -- v.16 1886-1888 -- v.17 1888-1891 --v.18 1891-1894 -- v.19 1894-1896 -- v.20 1897-1900 -- v.21 1901-1907 -- v.22 1853-1906.
Title varies: 1868-1870, Second-Third annual report of the State board of agriculture. --1871-1872, Fourth annual report of the president and secretary of the Nebraska State Board of agriculture.--1876/79- Transactions of the State board of agriculture, state of Nebraska. From September, 1876, to September, 1879. Report....--1883-19 Annual report of the Nebraska State board of agriculture (1883-1915 have: Annual report, Nebraska State board of agriculture).-- -1945, Annual report of....and allied organizations with reports.
58th-77th reports, 1893-1912, contain Catalogues of publications in the New York point system, including musical works.
v.1. Essay on the origin & progress of literary property, by Lord Dreghorn. Evidence given to the Royal commission on copyright in favour of royalty re-publishing. Extracts, notes, & tables illustrating these subjects, copyright of design, etc.-v.2. Exposure of the patent system by M.M. Chevalier. Evidence from blue-books, 1829, 1851, 1864, 1865, 1871, 1872. Extracts & notes illustrating patents and copyright.
"Aus dem Ungarishcen übersetzt."
Proceedings for 1884 and 1885 include report of conference of prison officials, Chicago, 1884, separately paged.
Subtitle varies.
Description based on: 2 jan. 1871; title from caption.
Colorado; and a list of all species collected, by W.H. Edwards -- Stretch, R.H. Report upon new species of Zygaenidae and Bombcidae collect in portions of California and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, and 1873 -- Osten-Sacken, C.R., freiherr von der. Report upon the collection of Diptera made in portions of Col-
Edited by Gustav Wendt and Ernst Hermann.