8 resultados para VLT-DEEP-SURVEY
em Universidade dos Açores - Portugal
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 15 de Janeiro de 2009, Universidade dos Açores.
Deep Ocean Species. The little that is known mostly comes from collected specimens. L.A. Rocha et al. Letter "Specimen collection: An essential tool" (23 May, 344: 814) brilliantly discuss the importance of specimen collection and present the evolution of collecting since the mid-19th century until our present strict codes and conducts. However, it is also important to emphasize the fact that the vast majority of deep ocean macro-organisms are only known to us because of collection and this is a strong argument that should be present in our actions as scientists. If the deep is considered the least known of Earth’s habitats (1% or so according to recent estimates) then what awesome collection of yet to discover species are still there to be properly described? As the authors point citing (1), something around 86% of species remain unknown. Voucher specimens are fundamental for the reasons pointed out and perhaps the vast depths of the World’s oceans are the best example of that importance. The resumed report of 2010 Census of Marine Life (2) showed that among the millions of specimens collected in both familiar and seldom-explored waters, the Census found more than 6,000 potentially new species and completed formal descriptions of more than 1,200 of them. It also found that a number of rare species are in fact common. Voucher specimens are essential and, again agreeing with L.A. Rocha et al. Letter (see above), the modern approach for collecting will not be a cause for extinctions but instead a valuable tool for knowledge, description and even, as seen above, a way to find out that supposed rare species may not be that rare and even prove to reach abundant populations.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 25 de Julho 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
The deep-sea environment is difficult to sample, and often only small quantities of samples can be obtained when using less destructive methods than dredging. When working with marine animals that are difficult to sample and with limited quantities of tissue to extract lipids, it is essential to ensure that the used method extracts the maximum possible quantity of lipids. This study evaluates the efficiency of introducing modifications to the method originally described by Bligh & Dyer (1959). This lipid extraction method is broadly used with modifications, although these usually lack proper description and evaluation of increment in lipids. In this study we consider the improvement in terms of amount of lipids extracted by changing the method. Lipid content was determined by gravimetric measurements in eight invertebrates from the deep-sea, including deep-sea hydrothermal vents animals, using three different approaches. Results show increases of 14% to 30% in lipid contents obtained from hydrothermal vent invertebrate tissues and whole animals by placing the samples in methanol for 24 hours before applying the Bligh & Dyer mixture. Efficiency of the extractions using frozen and freeze-dried samples was also compared. For large sponges, the use of lyophilized materials resulted in increases of 3 to 7 times more lipids extracted when compared with extractions using frozen samples.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar, especialidade em Ecologia Marinha.
In this paper we explore the importance of analyzing the exercises that the manuals have in Mathematics study, because the difficulty of identifying some errors on them can interfere with the capabilities of children. We work with some exercises related to the theme of temporal notions, based on a survey of textbooks from the 1st and 2nd grade (K-1 and K-2). Our concern is to alert about the importance of reflecting on the content of the books, in order to promote a teaching-learning process tailored to the needs of children. The activities present in the manuals should allow children to develop their logical- mathematical reasoning, for later be able to understand and apply Mathematics. To this end, we present some reflection about the exercises of manuals, and we give our opinion about what is the correct and incorrect. Also, some activities are suggested, among which were implemented with children of the 2nd grade, K- 2, along the experiments that support our work.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 18 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
Host-symbiont interactions in the deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus : a molecular approach
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 19 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.