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As preocupações de professores, pais e educadores em geral relativamente ao comportamento escolar dos alunos têm-se acentuado consideravelmente nas últimas duas décadas. Algumas das razões em que assentam tais preocupações ateem-se ao aumento significativo do número de alunos que apresentam comportamento escolar desviante, à gravidade desses mesmos comportamentos e ao seu aparecimento em populações escolares cada vez mais jovens. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo que, numa perspectiva descritiva e exploratória, pretendeu conhecer a opinião de professores sobre os problemas de comportamento na sala de aula. Concebeu-se, a partir de um primeiro levantamento, algumas situações de desvio em classe, submetendo-as, depois, ao julgamento de professores do 3º ciclo de escolas secundárias de Ponta Delgada, Açores. Pretendeu-se, assim, conhecer as situações de desvio a que esses professores atribuíam maior gravidade, os factores que acreditavam constituir agentes facilitadores da indisciplina na sala de aula e os tipos de intervenções que consideravam mais eficazes na resolução dessas situações. Na opinião dos professores inquiridos: a) as situações mais graves são as que contêm um elemento de agressividade, especialmente se o mesmo é direccionado para o professor; b) a personalidade do aluno é a principal causa das situações de disrupção; c) a prevenção e a superação de situações de indisciplina na sala de aula passa, em primeiro lugar, por uma intervenção focalizada no aluno.
Copyright © 2015 Société Française d'Ichtyologie.
Not a year goes by that we don't hear of another hazing scandal in a higher education institution. Many researchers took interest in this issue in order to understand its causes and consequences. They provided definitions and lead to prevent it. We found hazing in many social groups around the world, with different names, and under specific forms. This paper aims to better understand hazing and its actors, with a specific focus on hazing in higher education. We presented three definitions to offer several perspectives on hazing, and facilitate its apprehension. Our method was to analyze the relevant scientific literature with the intention of reflecting on its roots and representation among individuals. Results are an exposition of motivations from hazing's actors, recommendations about how to define it and how to prevent derivations. Our main conclusions assume hazing is usually depicted as a deviant behavior, but it would appear to be a norm. Also, its core purpose would be the progression from newcomer to a group member. A lack of structure or meaning could lead to its misuse and facilitate outrageous events. In higher education, hazing seems to be used as a tool to integrate freshmen in their new institutional world. Scandals including violence, sexual and alcohol abuse could be a symptom of something deeper from hazing's environment.
In the business world, employees can contribute with information, ideas, concerns, opinions and proposals to their managers in respect of: (1) the way work could be performed, (2) what should / should not be done in the workplace, (3) how a particular decision can be implemented, and (4) how an organizational policy should be formed and executed (Rego, 2013). However, due to a diverse set of factors, employees often choose to remain silent in the workplace. One of these factors is psychological safety, which describes employees’ perceptions of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks in the workplace (Edmondson, 2014). The following paper is essentially a literature review and its aim is to, firstly, make a brief approach to factors reported in the literature that may affect employee voice and silence, followed up by an explanation of the types of silence that can be engaged by employees. Besides that, the authors will also make an approach to physical and psychological safety. Lastly, it will be reported some links, mentioned in the literature, between employee silence and psychological safety.