27 resultados para dilatações vasculares intrapulmonares
The aim of this study is to associate cardiovascular health, health spending and socio-economical differences in a Portuguese sample.
Nowadays complementary diagnostic methods are replacing clinical examination and semiology is loosing space in our clinical practice. One of our main concerns in clinical practice is to assess Cardiovascular risk (CVR). And previous studies reported an increased CVR with a divergence of 10mmhg or more measured between both arms-interarm blood pressure difference (IAD)
Aims of the study: 1) Cardiovascular risk assessment of a cohort of children with a clinical diagnosis of FH; 2) Identification of biomarkers to distinguish between monogenic and polygenic/environmental dyslipidemia in clinical settings; 3) Clinical criteria improvement to identify FH children.
Erratum in: Low-frequency and common genetic variation in ischemic stroke: The METASTROKE collaboration. [Neurology. 2016]
The familial dyslipidaemia are underdiagnosed and so it is necessary an effort from all health professional to identify these high risk patients in order to provide the best counseling and treatment to reduce their elevated cardiovascular(hepatic/neurologic) risk. A novel diagnosis method (by NGS) is being implemented in order to study a larger panel of genes for dyslipidaemia to improve patient diagnosis
Main Aim of the study: to identify the cause of the dyslipidaemia in patients with a clinical phenotype of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between cholesterol levels and the glomerular filtration rate of adult patients in a Portuguese sample.
Objectives: Nowadays we witness some misinformation towards cholesterol effect in our patients health in mass and social media. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of awareness towards cholesterol levels in a Portuguese sample and to assess targets for interventions with gains in cardiovascular health.
Main aim of the Portuguese Family Hypercholesterolemia study: to identify the cause of the dyslipidaemia in patients with a clinical phenotype of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).
The familial dyslipidaemia are under diagnosed and so it is necessary an effort from all health professional to identify these high risk patients in order to provide the best counseling and treatment to reduce their elevated cardiovascular/hepatic/neurologic risk. A novel diagnosis method (by NGS) is being implemented in order to study a larger panel of genes for dyslipidaemia to improve patient diagnosis
A Rede Médicos Sentinela é um instrumento de observação em saúde, constituída por médicos de família distribuídos por todo o país. No ano de 2015 estiveram em notificação os seguintes problemas de saúde: síndrome gripal, hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus, enfarte agudo do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral e prescrição de anticoagulantes. De entre os principais resultados destacam-se os seguintes: A taxa de incidência da diabetes mellitus tipo 2, na população com 25 ou mais anos de idade, foi 789,5 casos por 100 000 utentes; A taxa de incidência da hipertensão arterial, na população com 25 ou mais anos de idade, foi 1.241,6 casos por 100 000 utentes; A taxa de incidência de enfarte agudo do miocárdio, na população com 35 ou mais anos de idade, foi 217,9 por 100 000 utentes; A taxa de incidência de acidente vascular cerebral, na população com 35 ou mais anos de idade, foi 287,6 por 100 000 utentes. Todos os problemas estudados apresentaram maior incidência no sexo masculino. Em relação a anos anteriores, observou-se uma redução das estimativas da incidência de acidentes vasculares cerebrais.