4 resultados para nutraceuticals
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Prolonged high-intensity training seems to result in increased systemic inflammation, which might explain muscle injury, delayed onset muscle soreness, and overtraining syndrome in athletes. Furthermore, an impaired immune function caused by strenuous exercise leads to the development of upper respiratory tract infections in athletes. Nutraceuticals might help counteract these performance-lowering effects. The use of nanotechnology is an interesting alternative to supply athletes with nutraceuticals, as many of these substances are insoluble in water and are poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. The present chapter starts with a brief review of the effects of exercise on immunity, followed by an analysis on how nutraceuticals such as omega-3 fatty acids, glutamine, BCAAs, or phytochemicals can counteract negative effects of strenuous exercise in athletes. Finally, how nanostructured delivery systems can constitute a new trend in enhancing bioavailability and optimizing the action of nutraceuticals will be discussed, using the example of food beverages.
A crescente preocupação com o bem-estar físico e a saúde tem vindo a refletir-se na forma como escolhemos os alimentos presentes na nossa alimentação. Todos nós somos consumidores mais informados e escolhemos cada vez mais alimentos saudáveis. Por outro lado, algumas doenças como os acidentes vasculares cerebrais, o cancro e a aterosclerose podem de alguma forma ser minimizados através da ingestão de alguns compostos denominados compostos bioativos ou funcionais. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo efetuar uma revisão na literatura dos estudos publicados sobre os efeitos do licopeno na saúde humana na prevenção de doenças, desempenhando assim o papel de composto bioativo do tomate. Os radicais livres atuam no organismo, podendo provocar lesões celulares que podem estar na base do desenvolvimento de alguns cancros e doenças crónicas. Conhecido como um dos melhores supressores de radicais livres, o licopeno é um dos antioxidantes mais poderosos, sendo o carotenóide predominante nos tomates, mas a sua biodisponibilidade aumenta em produtos de tomate processado, razão pela qual será o fruto abordado na presente dissertação. Fez-se uma abordagem do licopeno como composto bioativo do tomate, da sua respetiva química, da sua biodisponibilidade, do papel fundamental dos carotenoides na nossa alimentação e do seu papel na prevenção de várias doenças. Por fim é apresentada uma breve perspetiva nutricional sobre a adição de licopeno a alguns alimentos como forma de aproveitar os resíduos que a indústria do tomate origina, tornando-os nutricionalmente mais ricos.
Dietary fiber was classified according to its solubility in an attempt to relate physiological effects to chemical types of fiber. Soluble fibers (B-glucans, gums, wheat dextrin, psyllium, pectin, inulin) were considered to have benefits on serum lipids, while insoluble fibers (cellulose, lignin, pectins, hemicelluloses) were linked with laxation benefits. More important characteristics of fiber in terms of physiological benefits are viscosity and fermentability. Viscous fibers (pectins, B-glucans, gums, psyllium) are those that have gel-forming properties in the intestinal tract, and fermentable fibers (wheat dextrin, pectins, B-glucans, gum, inulin) are those that can be metabolized by colonic bacteria. Objective: To summarize the beneficial effects of dietary fiber, as nutraceuticals, in order to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system. Methods: Our study is a systematic review. Electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, with supplement of relevant websites, were searched. We included randomized and non-randomized clinical trials, epidemiological studies (cohort and case-control). We excluded case series, case reports, in vitro and animal studies. Results: The WHO, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Heart Foundation and the Romanian Dietary Guidelines recommends that adults should aim to consume approximately 25–30 g fiber daily. Dietary fiber is found in the indigestible parts of cereals, fruits and vegetables. There are countries where people don’t eat enough food fibers, these people need to take some kind of fiber supplement. Evidence has been found that dietary fiber from whole foods or supplements may (1) reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving serum lipids and reducing serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, (2) decreases the glycaemic index of foods, which leads to an improvement in glycemic response, positive impact on diabetes, (3) protect against development of obesity by increasing satiety hormone leptin concentrations, (4) reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer by normalizes bowel movements, improve the integrity of the epithelial layer of the intestines, increase the resistance against pathogenic colonization, have favorable effects on the gut microbiome, wich is the second genomes of the microorganisms, (5) have a positive impact on the endocrine system by gastrointestinal polypeptide hormonal regulation of digestion, (6) have prebiotic effect by short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) production; butyrate acid is the preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells, promotes normal cell differentiation and proliferation, and also help regulate sodium and water absorption, and can enhance absorption of calcium and other minerals. Although all prebiotics are fiber, not all fiber is prebiotic. This generally refers to the ability of a fiber to increase the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial to human health, and (7) play a role in improving immune function via production of SCFAs by increases T helper cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and increased cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells. Conclusion: Fiber consumption is associated with high nutritional value and antioxidant status of the diet, enhancing the effects on human health. Fibers with prebiotic properties can also be recommended as part of fiber intake. Due to the variability of fiber’s effects in the body, it is important to consume fiber from a variety of sources. Increasing fiber consumption for health promotion and disease prevention is a critical public health goal.
The growing concerns for physical wellbeing and health have been reflected in the way we choose food in our table. Nowadays, we are all more informed consumers and choose healthier foods. On the other hand, stroke, cancer and atherosclerosis may be somehow minimized by the intake of some bioactive compounds present in food, the so-called nutraceuticals and functional foods. The aim of this work was to make a revision of the published studies about the effects of some bioactive compounds, namely lycopene in human health, in the prevention of diseases, thus playing the role of a functional food. Free radical in human body can induce cell damage and consequently can be responsible for the development of some cancers and chronic diseases. Lycopene is one of the most powerful antioxidants known, being the predominant carotenoid in tomato. The respective chemistry, bioavailability, and its functional role in the prevention of several diseases will be object of this work. On the other hand, the inclusion of lycopene in some foods can also be made by biotechnology and represents a way to recover the wastes in the tomato industry with nutritional positive effects in health.