2 resultados para informal work groups
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
The study was developed as a teacher-research project during initial teacher education – Masters Degree of Early Childhood and Primary Education, in Portugal. It analysed the interactions between children of 3 to 6 years old, during the use of the computer as a free choice activity, confronting situations between peers of the same age and situations between peers of different ages. The focus of the analysis was the collaborative interactions. This was a qualitative study. Children could choose the computer, amongst other interest areas, and work for around an hour in pairs. In the computer, children used mainly educational games. During four weeks, the interactions between the pairs were audio recorded. Field notes and informal interviews to the children were also used to collect data. Eleven children were involved in the study with ages ranging from 3 to 6 years old. Baseline data on children’s basic computer proficiency was collected using the Individualized Computer Proficiency Checklist (ICPC) by Hyun. The recorded interactions were analysed using the types of talk offered by Scrimshaw and Perkins and Wegerif and Scrimshaw: cumulative talk, exploratory talk, disputational talk, and tutorial talk. This framework was already used in a study in an early childhood education context in Portugal by Amante. The results reveal differences in computer use and characterize the observed interactions. Seven different pairs of children's interactions were analysed. More than a third of the interactions were cumulative talk, followed by exploratory talk, tutorial talk and disputational talk. Comparing same and mixed age pairs, we observed that cumulative talk is the more present interaction, but in same age pairs this is followed by exploratory talk whereas in the mixed age pairs it is tutorial talk that has the second largest percentage. The pairs formed by the children were very asymmetrical in terms of age and computer proficiency. This lead to the more tutorial interactions, where one children showed the other or directed him/her on how to play. The results show that collaboration is present during the use of a computer area in early childhood education. The free choice of the children means the adults can only suggest pairing suited to specific interactions between the children. Another way to support children in more exploratory talk interactions could be by discussing the way the older children can help the younger ones beyond directing or correcting their work.
The home support services are a social response in order to improve the quality of life directed predominantly for the elderly and for people with varying degrees of disability and dependence. Examples of those services are hygiene and personal comfort, medication, housekeeping and cleaning, preparation and monitoring of the meals; the dressing, etc. It is necessary to make society aware of the importance of these services to all those who need them. The general objective was to understand the most important relationships among informal caregivers, those who are care and home support services providers. Material and Methods. Data were collected through a questionnaire, using the various dimensions of the construct Quality SERVPERF model of service that matches the 22 items of SERVQUAL model. The various items used to assess the perception of care individuals and informal caregivers about the quality of home care services. 82 individuals participated providers of informal care, to receive home support services, and exclusion criteria, the fact of having a diagnosed psychiatric illness or psychological factors that prevent them from responding. The analysis was performed with SPSS and SEM-PLS for the estimation of the proposed structural model. Written consent was obtained, free and clear of each subject. Results and Conclusions. The results showed that the relationships with healthcare professionals are the most important positive effects on satisfaction. This research emphasizes the need to work closely with health professionals to improve the relationship between technicians and patients. Although current constructs appear to explain much of the satisfaction, it is recommended that the future researches exploit new variables, to get a better understanding of the effects of public health policies on the quality of life of these patients.