5 resultados para Nursing home care

em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu


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O autocuidado é indispensável à conservação da vida e resulta do crescimento diário da pessoa, na experiência como cuidador de si mesmo e de quem faz parte das suas relações. É a chave dos cuidados de saúde, sendo interpretado como uma orientação para a ação de enfermagem que, através das ações de autocuidado, podem implementar intervenções para a promoção da saúde e/ou prevenção da doença. Os objetivos do estudo direcionam-se para a importância na identificação do perfil de autocuidado dos idosos, ou seja, na determinação dos diferentes níveis de dependência no autocuidado dos idosos a residir em lar. Entendemos este conhecimento, (proveniente dos resultados do estudo) como um contributo relevante no sentido de melhorar o modo como o apoio e/ou a ajuda pode ser ajustada a cada indivíduo, uma vez que estas adaptações só são possíveis perante o diagnóstico real da dependência das pessoas. Metodologia: Este estudo inclui-se num paradigma de investigação quantitativa, do tipo não experimental, transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A população em estudo são os idosos residentes no lar Residência Rainha D. Leonor em Viseu. Utilizou-se uma amostra não probabilística acidental, em função do peso relativo dos idosos desta instituição constituída por 136 idosos. O instrumento de colheita de dados inclui a escala de dependência no autocuidado. Resultados: Os idosos são maioritariamente mulheres, viúvas, com baixa instrução literária e com média de idade de 86 anos. Verificamos que as patologias predominantes são do foro cardíaco (70,6%), osteoarticular (62,5%) e neurológico (55,1%). Considerando o nível global de dependência no autocuidado, verificamos que 46,4% da amostra é independente, 36,0% é dependente em grau elevado e 17,6% dependente em grau parcial, ou seja, 53,6% apresenta algum grau de dependência no autocuidado. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo permitem a aquisição de conhecimento e desenvolvimento de competências que são de extrema importância na prática de cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação, pois as necessidades de saúde desta população sofrem contínuas modificações ao longo do processo de envelhecimento, exigindo práticas atualizadas, no sentido de abranger a promoção dos processos de preservação e de autonomia. Palavras-Chave: Autocuidado, Idoso, Institucionalização.


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This study aims to characterize the National Long-Term Care Network (NL-TCN) users. The Portuguese National Health Service, was restructured in 2006 with the creation of the National Long-Term Care Network to respond to new health and social needs concerning the continuity of care. Objectives- Analyse the sociodemographic profile of the network users and the review of hospital, local and regional management procedures. Methods-we used various methods of observational or experimental nature (data processing and presentation of results with the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20, descriptive statistics (frequencies, crosstabs and test chi-square)). The Pearson correlation test showed a positive correlation between time procedures at the local and regional management and hospital’s length of stay. Results- from a sample of 805 cases, 595 (74%) were admitted in the NL-TCN, a rate lower than the national average (86%). Almost half of the sample was admitted in Rehabilitation Units (46%), while nationally the highest number of admissions was in Home Care Teams (30%). The average time from hospital referral to network admission was 9.73 days with a positive correlation between referred network management procedures and hospital length of stay. Conclusions- For specialized units, the maximum waiting times were for the Long-Term and Support Units (mean 30.27 days) and the minimum waiting times were for Home Care Teams (mean 5.57 days). The average time between the local and regional management was 3.59 days. Almost 90% of referrals were orthopaedics, internal medicine and neurology and Network users were mostly elderly (average 75 years old), female and married. Most users were admitted to inpatient units (78%) and only 15% remained in their home town.


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This paper describes the sociodemographic characteristics, health status, and service use of centenarians living in the community and centenarians residing in an elder care facility/nursing home and examines their main differences. Participants were 140 centenarians from the population-based Oporto Centenarian Study (Mage = 101.2; SD = 1.6). Main findings revealed that the majority of the centenarians lived at home with their family members (57.9%). Increased health care needs, living alone, and family caregiving constraints were the most common reasons for entering a nursing home. Community-dwelling centenarians were cared for mostly by their children and were less dependent and in better cognitive health than those who resided in a nursing home. Differences were found in the pattern of health service use according to the centenarians' residence, ability to pay medical expenses, and dependency level. Findings highlight the need for an accurate assessment of caregiving support systems, particularly family intergenerational duties, and of the factors constraining the access and use of health and social services. Policy makers may be guided by the insights gained from this research and work toward improvement of support options and removal of barriers to service access.


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The home support services are a social response in order to improve the quality of life directed predominantly for the elderly and for people with varying degrees of disability and dependence. Examples of those services are hygiene and personal comfort, medication, housekeeping and cleaning, preparation and monitoring of the meals; the dressing, etc. It is necessary to make society aware of the importance of these services to all those who need them. The general objective was to understand the most important relationships among informal caregivers, those who are care and home support services providers. Material and Methods. Data were collected through a questionnaire, using the various dimensions of the construct Quality SERVPERF model of service that matches the 22 items of SERVQUAL model. The various items used to assess the perception of care individuals and informal caregivers about the quality of home care services. 82 individuals participated providers of informal care, to receive home support services, and exclusion criteria, the fact of having a diagnosed psychiatric illness or psychological factors that prevent them from responding. The analysis was performed with SPSS and SEM-PLS for the estimation of the proposed structural model. Written consent was obtained, free and clear of each subject. Results and Conclusions. The results showed that the relationships with healthcare professionals are the most important positive effects on satisfaction. This research emphasizes the need to work closely with health professionals to improve the relationship between technicians and patients. Although current constructs appear to explain much of the satisfaction, it is recommended that the future researches exploit new variables, to get a better understanding of the effects of public health policies on the quality of life of these patients.


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This study aims to examine the benefits of a cognitive stimulation program in reducing social isolation and irritability and improving cognitive capacity and emotional status of elderly people. A program of 14 sessions was conducted with individuals living in the community (n=6) and with group of individuals living in nursing home (n=6). Both groups were evaluated before and after the intervention with the Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES). Also a focus group with the program monitors ́ allowed to collect information about the experience in conducting the sessions and their opinion about the whole program. Results have demonstrated benefits statistically significant in the domains of relationships and emotional status for the group who received the intervention at home. This experience allowed to conclude that the implementation of cognitive stimulation programs should be extended to home-based services, especially for older persons living alone.