9 resultados para Henrique, King of Portugal, 1512-1580.
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Purpose – Bread is one of the most consumed foods in the world, and its main function is to provide nutrients and energy for the body. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to raise awareness about the consumption habits of bread and consumer preferences in the region of Viseu (centre of Portugal), assessing the extent to which the preferences and consumption habits differ based on individual variables. Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire by direct interviewing. The questionnaire included sections aimed at gathering information about demographics, consumption habits and preferences related to bread. The sample consisted of 500 consented respondents. Findings – The results showed significant differences between genders regarding the type of bread eaten: women consumed less wheat bread (52 per cent against 62 per cent; p 0.029) and less unsalted bread (0.3 per cent against 3 per cent; p 0.023), but more whole bread (25 per cent against 11 per cent; p 0.001) and more bread with cereal grains (23 per cent against 11 per cent; p 0.001), thus revealing a trend for a nutritionally more adequate choice. Accordingly, women valued more the composition of the bread when purchasing it (p 0.001). It was also observed a trend for a lower consumption of wheat bread among classes with more advanced studies (47 per cent on university graduates against 60 per cent on nongraduates; p 0.004). Originality/value – This work is innovative because it was the first time the preferences and consuming habits of a sample of Portuguese population regarding bread were accessed, altogether. The results hereby obtained may be of importance both to understand the nutritional importance of bread in the diet of the Portuguese and also for the industry and manufacturers to better correspond to the buying preferences.
Introduction: Mental health has an imperative roll in general health, and it’s known that most mental and physical diseases are influenced by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors, in which takes place the Internet addiction. Objectives: identify the sociodemographic variables that influence the mental health of college students; identify academic variables that influence the mental health of college student. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study with 511 college students of the Central Region of Portugal. It was used a questionnaire on sociodemographic and academic context, and were used the following scales: Mental Health Scale – PhD José Luís Pais Ribeiro (2011); Internet Addiction Test, Portuguese version by Pontes e Patrão (2013). Results: Mostly female students, standing largely in the age group of 17-21 years, living in urban areas, with an average family income. Younger students have high addition to the internet (62.2%). Sex interfere with the mental health of students. The lower the negative impact of adding Internet emotions / feelings and lower its negative impact on daily life, the less anxiety, depression and loss of emotional / behavioral control of college students. The negative impact on daily life establishes a direct relationship with the positive affect, indicating that the greater the negative impact, less positive affect students. Conclusions: The results obtained point to the need to implement mental health programs, by conducting two workshops, promoting social interaction among students, to help them find more effective ways to respond to the daily challenges.
Introdução: A satisfação dos doentes constitui um indicador indispensável para a avaliação da qualidade dos cuidados e há evidência da sua correlação com os resultados em saúde. A satisfação com os cuidados de saúde é um conceito multidimensional que considera aspetos como acesso, organização e interação doente - profissional. Consideramos que os cuidados de enfermagem, em particular, são fundamentais no processo saúde/doença. Objetivos: Validar uma escala para avaliar a satisfação dos utentes face aos cuidados de enfermagem, adaptado do instrumento EUROPEP e avaliar a satisfação dos utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários da região centro de Portugal. Material e métodos: Estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 827 utentes adultos (maioria do sexo feminino 64,4%) com uma média de idade de 50,08±18,58 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário, constituído por variáveis sociodemográficas, o instrumento EUROPEP (Ferreira, 1995) para avaliar a satisfação com os cuidados de saúde primários e para avaliar a satisfação especificamente com a equipa de enfermagem elaboramos questões adaptadas do instrumento EUROPEP e agrupadas nas dimensões relação de ajuda, dimensão interpessoal e instrumental. A consistência interna, reprodutibilidade e análise de conteúdo foram avaliados com recurso ao SPSS 23.0; considerando a consistência aceitável para um de Cronbach > 0,70. O coeficiente para cada item é apresentado com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Em todas as dimensões do questionário EUROPEP, a maior percentagem de satisfação com os cuidados situou-se entre “boa” e “muito boa”. As dimensões criadas para avaliar especificamente os cuidados de enfermagem apresentaram um coeficiente de α de Cronbach total de 0,972. Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que as dimensões criadas para avaliar os cuidados de enfermagem serão úteis para a investigação na população Portuguesa. A satisfação do utente é decisiva para a qualidade e eficiência dos cuidados prestados, sendo necessário o compromisso de todos os prestadores na implementação de práticas sistemáticas de gestão que conduzam à satisfação, dando particular atenção à melhoria contínua dos processos organizacionais. Palavras-chave: Satisfação dos Utentes; cuidados de saúde primários, cuidados de enfermagem, adulto, Portugal
An outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in the South of Portugal in January 2015 and the spread of PEDV northwards in the territory are described. Comparative analysis of the amplified sequences showed a very high (99.0%) identity with the PEDV variant most recently reported in the United States and also show complete (100%) identity to the strains recently reported in Germany, supporting the hypothesis that a unique strain is currently circulating in Europe. The origin of this PEDV variant still needs to be elucidated and further studies in the remaining European countries may contribute to the knowledge.
This work intended to give a perspective of industrial wood protection in Portugal. A survey was made of the companies treating wood mainly for use classes 3 and 4 such as autoclave treatments with biocides and wood modification procedures. Currently there are 23 companies with 33 production plants with an autoclave installed for wood preservation by impregnation. There are also two companies producing modified wood by thermal treatment. Most of the plants are located in the central and northern regions of Portugal. The leading preservation chemicals used in Portugal are Tanalith E and Celcure brands. The main wood species used in all companies is Pinus pinaster from local producers. The products commercialized by the treating companies are diverse: pre-fabricated houses, garden furniture and playgrounds, decks, poles, stakes, and sawn wood. Modified wood producers sell mostly decks and cladding. Considerable changes are expected in the next few years due to the requirements of European Directives and the typical constraints of the Portuguese market.
Dairy cattle farms have a well-known environmental impact that affects all ecological compartments: air, soil, water and biosphere [1]. Dairy cattle farming are a significant source of anthropogenic gases from enteric fermentation, manure storage and land application, mainly ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The emission of such gases represents not only an environmental problem but also leads to energy and nitrogen (N) losses in ruminant production systems [2-5]. Several efforts are required on the development of new technologies and strategies that mitigate gaseous emissions, N losses and improve the efficiency of the energy and N cycles [6, 7]. In the Northwest of Portugal, dairy cattle production has a major impact on the economy, with strong repercussions at national scale. Therefore, our Ph.D. thesis project aims to: a) Study natural supplements as additives in the dairy cattle diet towards a decrease in GHG emissions from feeding operations; b) Compare commercial dairy cattle diets with and without additives on gaseous emissions from manure deposited in a simulated concrete floor; c) Assess the concentrations and emissions of NH3 and greenhouse gases from commercial dairy cattle facilities; d) Evaluate the effects of different additives on lowering gaseous emissions from dairy cattle excreta, using a laboratory system simulating a dairy house concrete floor.
In this study, four leachates samples from 3 different landfills localized in the north of Portugal were characterized and fractionated, to understand the decomposition degree and to evaluate their potential as an agent for fertilization. Humic substances (HS) were extracted, quantified, chemical characterized and further fractionated in humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA). Keeping in mind the purpose to use these fractions as fertilizers, the phytotoxicity of HS, HA and FA solutions was evaluated on cress seed germination. The HS concentration was similar for all the leachates evaluated and was higher than 780 mg/L of total organic carbon. All the leachates analysed registered higher FA concentration than HA. The chemical characterization indicated that HA had a relatively higher aromatic character than the FA obtained from same sources. These results suggest that the HS from landfill leachates were in an early stage of humification, once the degree of humification increase as the landfilling age increase. Overall, the HS extracts showed absence of phytotoxicity, with germination index greater than 80% for samples treated to achieve low electric conductivity values. This suggests that the HS from the leachate may be used to produce liquid organic fertilizers.
Teachers’ emotional competences and well-being are fundamentally important to developing and maintaining positive relationships in the classroom, which can contribute to improving pedagogical action. References to several intervention programmes are found in the literature with the purpose of changing the practices, attitudes, and beliefs of teachers, who show evidence of a significant improvement in personal competences and school success. Therefore, an intervention with teachers integrating a broader line of research was carried out, involving parents and students as well. It consists of a programme which promotes personal (well-being and emotional intelligence) and professional (acquiring differentiated pedagogical strategies) competences over a period of six months, followed by a focus group to assess the contribution of an empowerment programme with the intention of promoting school success. The preliminary action-research study involved 10 teachers of two classes with students who show disruptive behaviour in the 7th year in a school in the central region of Portugal. The teachers, of both genders, are aged between 44 and 52, and belong to several recruitment groups. The main research question was: “To what extent does an intervention programme, intended for training, contribute to developing personal and professional competences in teachers of the 3rd cycle of basic education?” The teachers revealed a rather favourable view of their participation in the programme, considering that it helped them perceive some behaviours and practices which are less adjusted to their action in the classroom with these students (shouting, scolding, etc.). From the pretest to the posttest, statistically significant differences were found in assessing their own emotions and in their use. Signs of improvement in positive affections and satisfaction with life were also found, though with a marginal significance. The preliminary data in this empowerment programme for these educational agents points towards the importance of teachers’ awareness in what concerns their pedagogical action, as well as the need to change traditional pedagogical practices that contribute to discouraging students towards learning. The need to establish closer and systematic contact with the students and their families in order to meet their needs and expectations was also highlighted.
Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the relative contribution of leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction concerning the learning performance and academic achievement in physical education. Research Questions: Are the teacher leadership style and the teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction related to the learning performance and academic achievement in physical education in basic schooling? Purpose of Study: There are several factors that contribute for the explanation of learning outcomes, namely teacher leadership styles in the classroom, as well as teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interactions. These factors are considered to be essential in the teaching-learning process and in the subsequent improvement of educational outcomes. Research Methods: A quantitative methodology was implemented, comprising a sample of 447 students attending a School Grouping located in the Central Region of Portugal. In order to verify the nature, the strength and the direction of the relations among the variables, correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. For this, scales already validated and used in other researches were applied. Findings: The results show that the learning performance and the academic achievement are significantly associated with teacher leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction. A stronger association was obtained with leadership styles, especially the democratic one. It should be mentioned that these factors provide a higher relative contribution to the learning performance than to the academic achievement. Conclusions: This study sought to deepen the understanding of the explanatory factors of academic success concerning the teaching-learning process in physical education. The analysis conducted highlights the importance of the democratic teacher leadership style and of the pedagogical interaction established within the classroom towards the improvement of students' ability to understand the gains and the effort made in learning.