2 resultados para team management
em Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
In recent years the Top Management Team (TMT) in the companies has been extensively studied and discussed by many researchers (Campbell & Mínguez-Vera, 2008; Erhardt et al, 2003; Haleblian & Finkelstein, 1993; Amason & Spienza, 1997). Thus, this theme has undergone a major evolution as well as it has been diversified progressively. Combined with the Upper Echelons Theory, it was established a new dimension of diversity of the Top Management Team that addresses, for example, the diversity of gender and the size of the team. There are several countries that have established laws and regulatory requirements in order to increase the presence of women in the business environment such as Norway, Spain, France, Holland and Italy. However, the female gender is far from equal in terms of representativeness (Torchia et al., 2011), but there are noteworthy developments yearly. It is also noticeable that the size of Top Management Teams has also increased, which can provide advantages for the company (Heleblian & Finkelstein, 1993). In the course of this dissertation it was studied the female gender ratio and the size of the Top Management Team with the profitability (ROA – Return On Assets) of 41 Portuguese companies listed on the Euronext Lisbon between 2011 - 2015. Initially, the Spearman test was applied in order to verify the correlations between the variables in study. It was created a linear regression that relates the number of women (independent variable) and ROA (dependent variable). The Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the ROA behaviour between companies with no women in TMT and companies with women in TMT. After analysis, the results demonstrated that there was a positive relationship between the number of women with ROA. Also companies that have women in TMT have better performance compared to companies with no women in the Top Management Team. As far as the size of the team is concerned, it positively influences the economic profitability, in a meaningful way.
O presente relatório assenta sob a compreensão das funções desempenhadas nas áreas de Revenue Management e E-Commerce no âmbito do estágio realizado no grupo hoteleiro português Tivoli Hotels & Resorts. O relatório tem como essencial objetivo a descrição da experiência do contacto com a indústria hoteleira através de um estágio curricular entre Agosto de 2013 até Maio 2014 para a obtenção de grau de mestre no Mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira, da Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar. Foram delineados vários objetivos neste estágio no departamento de Revenue Management e E-Commerce tais como, conhecer os fundamentos de Revenue bem como a estratégia de pricing utilizada numa grande cadeia hoteleira e todo o processo envolvente para aumentar a ocupação, a otimização de Revenue e toda a explicação da estratégia utilizada na distribuição dos canais online, estando intimamente ligada à gestão dos mesmos. Ao longo do relatório ir-se-á perceber que estes dois departamentos detêm um elo de ligação sendo que as decisões obtidas pelo Revenue têm impacto direto no E-Commerce – Gestão dos canais online. A Tivoli Hotels & Resorts é uma cadeia hoteleira nacional que conta com doze hotéis em Portugal Continental e dois no Brasil em que se destaca a oferecer uma panóplia de serviços ao cliente não passando apenas pela estada. Experience More – este é o Unique Selling Proposition [USP], uma forte aposta na venda de experiências, considerado um verdadeiro conceito diferenciador convidando o cliente a usufruir de três serviços: Team, T/Services and T/Services.