6 resultados para Informatics Engineering - Human Computer Interaction

em Universidade de Madeira


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As digital systems move away from traditional desktop setups, new interaction paradigms are emerging that better integrate with users’ realworld surroundings, and better support users’ individual needs. While promising, these modern interaction paradigms also present new challenges, such as a lack of paradigm-specific tools to systematically evaluate and fully understand their use. This dissertation tackles this issue by framing empirical studies of three novel digital systems in embodied cognition – an exciting new perspective in cognitive science where the body and its interactions with the physical world take a central role in human cognition. This is achieved by first, focusing the design of all these systems on a contemporary interaction paradigm that emphasizes physical interaction on tangible interaction, a contemporary interaction paradigm; and second, by comprehensively studying user performance in these systems through a set of novel performance metrics grounded on epistemic actions, a relatively well established and studied construct in the literature on embodied cognition. The first system presented in this dissertation is an augmented Four-in-a-row board game. Three different versions of the game were developed, based on three different interaction paradigms (tangible, touch and mouse), and a repeated measures study involving 36 participants measured the occurrence of three simple epistemic actions across these three interfaces. The results highlight the relevance of epistemic actions in such a task and suggest that the different interaction paradigms afford instantiation of these actions in different ways. Additionally, the tangible version of the system supports the most rapid execution of these actions, providing novel quantitative insights into the real benefits of tangible systems. The second system presented in this dissertation is a tangible tabletop scheduling application. Two studies with single and paired users provide several insights into the impact of epistemic actions on the user experience when these are performed outside of a system’s sensing boundaries. These insights are clustered by the form, size and location of ideal interface areas for such offline epistemic actions to occur, as well as how can physical tokens be designed to better support them. Finally, and based on the results obtained to this point, the last study presented in this dissertation directly addresses the lack of empirical tools to formally evaluate tangible interaction. It presents a video-coding framework grounded on a systematic literature review of 78 papers, and evaluates its value as metric through a 60 participant study performed across three different research laboratories. The results highlight the usefulness and power of epistemic actions as a performance metric for tangible systems. In sum, through the use of such novel metrics in each of the three studies presented, this dissertation provides a better understanding of the real impact and benefits of designing and developing systems that feature tangible interaction.


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The ability to view and interact with 3D models has been happening for a long time. However, vision-based 3D modeling has only seen limited success in applications, as it faces many technical challenges. Hand-held mobile devices have changed the way we interact with virtual reality environments. Their high mobility and technical features, such as inertial sensors, cameras and fast processors, are especially attractive for advancing the state of the art in virtual reality systems. Also, their ubiquity and fast Internet connection open a path to distributed and collaborative development. However, such path has not been fully explored in many domains. VR systems for real world engineering contexts are still difficult to use, especially when geographically dispersed engineering teams need to collaboratively visualize and review 3D CAD models. Another challenge is the ability to rendering these environments at the required interactive rates and with high fidelity. In this document it is presented a virtual reality system mobile for visualization, navigation and reviewing large scale 3D CAD models, held under the CEDAR (Collaborative Engineering Design and Review) project. It’s focused on interaction using different navigation modes. The system uses the mobile device's inertial sensors and camera to allow users to navigate through large scale models. IT professionals, architects, civil engineers and oil industry experts were involved in a qualitative assessment of the CEDAR system, in the form of direct user interaction with the prototypes and audio-recorded interviews about the prototypes. The lessons learned are valuable and are presented on this document. Subsequently it was prepared a quantitative study on the different navigation modes to analyze the best mode to use it in a given situation.


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This project aimed to create a communication and interaction channel between Madeira Airport and its passengers. We used the pre-existent touch enabled screens at the terminal since their potential was not being utilised to their full capacity. To achieve our goal, we have followed an agile strategy to create a testable prototype and take advantages of its results. The developed prototype is based on a plugin architecture turning it into a maintainable and highly customisable system. The collected usage data suggests that we have achieved the initially defined goals. There is no doubt that this new interaction channel is an improvement regarding the provided services and, supported by the usage data, there is an opportunity to explore additional developments to the channel.


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This thesis presents a cloud-based software platform for sharing publicly available scientific datasets. The proposed platform leverages the potential of NoSQL databases and asynchronous IO technologies, such as Node.JS, in order to achieve high performances and flexible solutions. This solution will serve two main groups of users. The dataset providers, which are the researchers responsible for sharing and maintaining datasets, and the dataset users, that are those who desire to access the public data. To the former are given tools to easily publish and maintain large volumes of data, whereas the later are given tools to enable the preview and creation of subsets of the original data through the introduction of filter and aggregation operations. The choice of NoSQL over more traditional RDDMS emerged from and extended benchmark between relational databases (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) that is also presented in this thesis. The obtained results come to confirm the theoretical guarantees that NoSQL databases are more suitable for the kind of data that our system users will be handling, i. e., non-homogeneous data structures that can grow really fast. It is envisioned that a platform like this can lead the way to a new era of scientific data sharing where researchers are able to easily share and access all kinds of datasets, and even in more advanced scenarios be presented with recommended datasets and already existing research results on top of those recommendations.


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In this thesis we aimed to explore the potential of gamification - defined as “the use of game elements in non-game contexts” [30] - in increasing children's (aged 5 to 6) engagement with the task. This is mainly due to the fact that our world is living a technological era, and videogames are an example of this engagement by being able to maintain children’s (and adults) engagement for hours straight. For the purpose of limiting complexity, we only addressed the feedback element by introducing it with an anthropomorphic virtual agent (human-like aspect), because research shows that virtual agents (VA’s) can influence behavioural change [17], or even induce emotions on humans both through the use of feedback provided and their facial expressions, which can interpreted in the same way as of humans’ [2]. By pairing the VA with the gamification concept, we wanted to 1) create a VA that is likely to be well-received by children (appearance and behaviour), and 2) have the immediate feedback that games have, so we can give children an assessment of their actions in real-time, as opposed to waiting for feedback from someone (traditional teaching), and with this give students more chances to succeed [32, 43]. Our final system consisted on a virtual environment, where children formed words that corresponded to a given image. In order to measure the impact that the VA had on engagement, the system was developed in two versions: one version of the system was limited to provide a simple feedback environment, where the VA provided feedback, by responding with simple phrases (i.e. “correct” or “incorrect”); for the second version, the VA had a more complex approach where it tried to encourage children to complete the word – a motivational feedback - even when they weren’t succeeding. Lastly we conducted a field study with two groups of children, where one group tested the version with the simple feedback, and the other group tested the ‘motivational’ version of the system. We used a quantitative approach to analyze the collected data that measured the engagement, based on the number of tasks (words) completed and time spent with system. The results of the evaluation showed that the use of motivational feedback may carry a positive effect on engaging children.


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With increasing concerns about the impact of global warming on human life, policy makers around the world and researchers have sought for technological solutions that have the potential to attenuate this process. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an information appliance that aims to increase the use of public transportation. We developed a mobile glanceable display that, being aware of the user’s transportation routines, provides awareness cues about bus arrival time, grounded upon the vision of Ambient Intelligence. We present the design process we followed, from ideation to building a prototype and conducting a field study, and conclude with a set of guidelines for the design of relevant personal information systems. More specifically we seek to test the following hypotheses: 1) That the tangible prototype that provides ambient cues will be used more frequently than a similar purpose mobile app, 2) That the tangible prototype will reduce the waiting time at the bus stop, 3) That the tangible prototype will result to reduced anxiety on passengers, 4) That the tangible prototype will result to an increase in the perceived reliability of the transit service, 5) That the tangible prototype will enhance users’ efficiency in reading the bus schedules and 6) That the tangible prototype will make individuals more likely to use public transit. In a field study, we compare the tangible prototype against the mobile app and a control condition where participants were given no external support in obtaining bus arrival information, other than their existing routines. Using qualitative and quantitative data, we test the aforementioned hypotheses and explore users’ reactions to the prototype we developed.