Alpha oscillations index the functionality and the plastic changes of the visual system

Autoria(s): Gallina, Jessica <1990>

Bertini, Caterina




Alpha oscillations are linked to visual awareness and to the periodical sampling of visual information, suggesting that alpha rhythm reflect an index of the functionality of the posterior cortices, and hence of the visual system. Therefore, the present work described a series of studies investigating alpha oscillations as a biomarker of the functionality and the plastic modifications of the visual system in response to lesions to the visual cortices or to external stimulations. The studies presented in chapter 5 and 6 showed that posterior lesions alter alpha oscillations in hemianopic patients, with reduced alpha reactivity at the eyes opening and decreased alpha functional connectivity, especially in right-lesioned hemianopics, with concurrent dysfunctions in the theta range, suggesting a specialization of the right hemisphere in orchestrating alpha oscillations and coordinating complex interplays among different brain rhythms. The study presented in chapter 7 investigated a mechanism of rhythmical attentional sampling of visual information in healthy participants, showing that perceptual performance is influenced by a rhythmical mechanism of attentional allocation, occurring at lower-alpha frequencies (i.e., 7 Hz), when a single spatial location is monitored, and at lower frequencies (i.e., 5 Hz), when attention is allocated to two spatial locations. Moreover, the right hemisphere seemed to have a dominance in this rhythmical attentional sampling, distributing attentional resources to the entire visual field. Finally, the study presented in chapter 8 showed that prolonged visual entrainment induce long-term modulations of resting-state alpha activity in healthy participants, suggesting that persistent modifications in the functionality of the visual system are possible. Altogheter, these findings show that functional processes and plastic changes of the visual system are reflected in alpha oscillatory patterns. Therefore, investigating and promoting alpha oscillations may contribute to the development of rehabilitative protocols to ameliorate the functionality of the visual system, in brain lesioned patients.





Gallina, Jessica (2022) Alpha oscillations index the functionality and the plastic changes of the visual system, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia <>, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10265.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #M-PSI/02 Psicobiologia e psicologia fisiologica

Doctoral Thesis
