Study of heterostructures of Cu3BiS3–buffer layer measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements (KPFM)

Autoria(s): Mesa, Fredy

Fajado, Dalila





The interface formed between Cu3BiS3 thin films and the buffer layer is a potentially limiting factor to the performance of solar cells based on Al/Cu3BiS3/buffer heterojunctions. The buffer layers of ZnS and In2S3 were grown by coevaporation, and tested as an alternative to the traditional CdS deposited by chemical bath deposition. From the Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements, we found the values of the work function of ZnS, In2S3, and CdS, layers deposited into Cu3BiS3. Additionally, different electronic activity was found for different grain boundaries (GBs), from studies under illumination, we also found the net doping concentration and the density of charged GB states for Cu3BiS3 and Cu3BiS3/CdS.









instname:Universidad del Rosario

reponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR

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