Contact lens prescribing trends 2015 : The Efron, Morgan and Woods 16th annual survey of Australian contact lens prescribing habits

Autoria(s): Efron, Nathan; Morgan, Philip B; Woods, Craig A



The 16th annual survey ofAustralian contact lens prescribingwas conducted from January toApril 2015. The same format as inprevious years was employed. Ane-mail was sent to all members ofOptometry Australia with a link to adownloadable questionnaire, and arequest that this be accessed, printedand completed to provide detailsof the first 10 patients fitted withcontact lenses after receipt of thequestionnaire.The survey was specifically designedto be straightforward to completewhile capturing key informationabout their patients. Practitionerswere asked general questions aboutthemselves. For each contact lensfitting, they were requested tocomplete the following details: dateof fitting, new fitting or refitting, ageand sex of patient, lens material, lensdesign, frequency of replacement,times per week of wear, modality(daily or extended wear) and caresystem. Practitioners were asked toreturn the questionnaire by fax, postor e-mail.Completed questionnaires relatingto 353 contact lens fittings werereturned, which provides a soundbasis for a meaningful analysis. Eachfitting was given a weighting based onthe number of lenses fitted per yearby the practitioner, based on the dateinformation on the form. This meansthat data generated by practitionerswho have a higher frequency of fittingcontact lenses were afforded a higherweighting than those taking longer tofit the 10 patients with lenses.This discussion concentratesprimarily on data relating to newlens fittings as opposed to refittings.We believe that new fittings are amore sensitive barometer of currentpatterns and future trends, whereasrefittings are more indicative ofprevious fitting behaviours.In keeping with other markets aroundthe world,1 the majority of lenses (62per cent) were fitted to females. Theaverage age of contact lens wearersat the time of fitting was 32.2 ± 16.5years. The age at fitting ranged fromeight to 75 years.





Optometry Australia



2015, Optometry Australia


Journal Article