Daily step-count and change in waist circumference during a workplace pedometer program

Autoria(s): Backholer, Kathryn; Freak-Poli, Rosanne; Peeters, Anna



Background: The health benefit associated with a daily step-count target within pedometer pro- grams is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine if the daily step-count attained during a four month pedometer-based workplace health program was associated with change in waist circumference (WC). <br /><br />Methods: 762 Australian adults enrolled in a workplace pedometer pro- gram were recruited from ten workplaces in 2008. At the end of the program (four months), 436 participants were eligible for the current analysis. Data included demographics, perceived physical activity change during the program, measured WC at baseline and follow-up, and reported daily pedometer step-counts throughout the program. The association between daily step count and change in WC was examined using linear re- gression. <br /><br />Results: WC improved by an average of –1.61cm (95% CI: –2.13, –1.09) by the end of the program. There was no relationship between daily step-count and the degree of change in WC. However, among participants reporting an in- crease in physical activity during the program a relationship between daily step count and change in WC was observed, such that those who un-dertook on average 10,000 steps or more per day improved their WC by –1.38cm (95%CI: –2.14, –0.63) more than those who did not achieve an average of 10,000 steps per day. Similarly, among individuals not meeting WC guidelines at baseline a greater daily step count was associ-ated with a greater decrease in WC. <br /><br />Conclusions: Within a workplace pedometer program, reported daily step count was not associated with greater reductions in WC. However, it was a useful in-dicator of potential health benefits in those who increased their level of physical activity during the program. Pedometer programs need to com- municate clearly the importance of both a step goal and improvement in step count to manage participant expectations about improvements in health markers.






Scientific Research Publishing





2012, SciRes


Journal Article