Use of weekly assessment data to enhance evaluation of a subjective wellbeing intervention

Autoria(s): Colla, Lucia; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew; Tomyn, Adrian J.; Richardson, Ben; Tomyn, Justin D.



PURPOSE: While intervention effects in target outcomes have typically been tested based on change from baseline to post-intervention, such approaches typically ignore individual differences in change, including time taken to see improvement. The present study demonstrates how weekly patient-reported data may be used to augment traditional pre-post intervention evaluations in order to gain greater insights into treatment efficacy. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty-two adolescent boys and girls (M age = 13.6 years, SD = 0.6 years) from four secondary schools in Victoria, Australia, were assigned by school into control (n = 88) or intervention (n = 164) groups. The intervention group participated in a 6-week course designed to improve subjective wellbeing (SWB) by fostering resilience, coping skills, and self-esteem. In addition to baseline, post-intervention, and 3-month follow-up assessments of SWB, intervention group participants also completed weekly summarise of affective experiences for the duration of the intervention phase. RESULTS: While standard pre-post data showed significant improvement in SWB for the intervention group relative to controls, weekly data showed individual differences in the trajectory of change during this intervention phase; low SWB individuals experienced initial worsening of symptoms followed by improvement in the second half of the intervention phase, whereas high SWB individuals experienced initial gains, followed by a plateau from Week 4 onwards. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of weekly data provided greater insights into intervention effects by: (1) contradicting the notion that early responsiveness to treatment is predictive of level of improvement by post-intervention, and (2) providing data-based insights into ways to enhance the intervention.








2015, Springer

Palavras-Chave #Patient-reported outcomes #School intervention #Subjective wellbeing #Trajectories of change

Journal Article