“You’re a whole group of people singing”: sharing and learning together in The Choir of the Hawthorn U3A

Autoria(s): Joseph, Dawn; Southcott, Jane



For older people group music making can assist them remain independent and active in the community. Across Melbourne there are many non-competitive leisure based choirs made of older, active volunteer participants. This paper presents the findings of a phenomenological qualitative case study that was undertaken with members of The Choir of the U3A Hawthorn. This group is auspiced by the international University of the Third Age (U3A) that promotes life-long learning and personal fulfilment amongst older people. In 2008 we began a large joint ongoing research project between Deakin University and Monash University, Well-being and ageing: community, diversity and the arts in Victoria. In 2013 members of the U3A Hawthorn Choir were interviewed about their perceived benefits concerning active music engagement in choir membership. Participants recounted joining the group for different reasons including a positive attitude to singing, convenience, and a desire for social connectedness. Those interviewed considered ongoing choir membership an effective use of leisure time that also provided opportunities for shared learning and personal validation. The data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and are reported under two themes: Music engagement and Social connections. Membership of the Hawthorn U3A choir provided participants opportunities for friendship, companionship, happiness, a sense of belonging, and acceptance. This resilient community music group (first formed in 1996) has maintained a busy schedule of rehearsals and performances. This music making offers significant ways for older people to maintain well-being and contribute to the wider community.










2015, ASME

Palavras-Chave #active music engagement #personal fulfilment #singing #interpretative phenomenological analysis

Conference Paper