Investigation of un-American propaganda activities in the United States : Hearings before a Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Seventy-fifth Congress, third session-Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, on H. Res. 282, to investigate (1) the extent, character, and objects of un-American propaganda activities in the United States, (2) the diffusion within the United States of subversive and un-American propaganda that is instigated from foreign countries or of a domestic origin and attacks the principle of the form of government as guaranteed by our Constitution, and (3) all other questions in relation thereto that would aid Congress in any necessary remedial legislation.
United States.
Special Committee on Un-American Activities (1938-1944)
Martin Dies, chairman.
Running title: Un-American propaganda activities.
Paged continuously.
SET: For holdings consult Librarian.
Mode of access: Internet.
Spec. Coll. Haynes copy is part of a collection (Collection 1604). To page this item, use the collection record; to find the collection record, search the title: Collection of books from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Library. Item is in box 13. Printed tan wrappers.
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