Segurtasun eza eta delituarekiko beldurra: XXI.mendeko emakumeen ikuspegiak

Autoria(s): Urretabizkaia Iradi, Maider

Galarraga Ezponda, Auxkin








[EU]Ikerketa honen bidez XXI. Mendeko emakumezkoek sentitzen duten segurtasun-ezaren eragileak zeintzuk diren eta zergatik mantentzen diren jakin nahi da. Segurtasun-ezari buruzko bibliografiarik esanguratsuenaren azterketa egin ondoren, atal teorikoan jaso dira aipagarrienak diren eragile edo faktoreak, ikuspegi makro, meso eta mikro-soziologikoak aplikatuaz. Era berean, atal honen baitan bildu dira fenomenoa generoaren ikuspegitik behatu duten hainbat ikerketen ekarpenak. Atal enpirikoa egikaritzeko, metodologia kualitatiboa erabiliaz sei elkarrizketa egin zaizkie adin desberdinetako sei emakumezkori. Pertsonen hautaketa egiterako orduan bi aldagai hartu dira kontuan: bizilekua (hiri eremua eta herri eremua desberdinduz) eta amatasuna (seme alabak izatea ala ez izatea zehaztuz), parekotasuna bilatu delarik laginaren baitan kolektibo desberdinetako emakumeen esperientziak jaso ahal izateko. Lortutako emaitzak atal teorikoan landutako ikerketekin kontrastatu dira eta amaitzeko, ondorio orokorrei buruzko sintesia egin da etorkizunerako ikuspegiak kontuan hartuz.

[EN]The objective of the present study is to inquire which are the main causes for the lack of security among XXI century women and the reason they persist in time. After analyzing the most relevant bibliography about the fear of crime and lack of security, the main causes or factors have been gathered in the theoretical section, classifying them through a macro, meso and micro-sociological perspective. Moreover, the contributions derived from some of the investigations that analyzed this phenomenon from a gender perspective, have been included in this section. To accomplish the empirical side, six women of varied ages have been interviewed using a qualitative methodology. For that purpose two variables haven been taken into account: the place of residence (establishing if it is an urban area or a village area) and motherhood (specifying if they have children or not), trying to achieve a parity among the sample, so that the experiences of different groups of women can be included. The results have been contrasted with the studies used in the theoretical section and, finally, the general conclusions have been synthesized taking into account a future perspective.





© 2016, el autor


Palavras-Chave #segurtasun-eza #delituarekiko beldurra #emakumezko #insecurity #fear of crime #women
