CIL 6.40890/ IG 14.951 – Bronze tablet with a bilingual ‘senatus consultum’ granting a tax exemption and other privileges to Asklepiades of Klazomenai and other Greek naval captains
Cobertura |
Italy – Rome |
Data(s) |
Resumo |
Photographs |
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Relação |
CIL I(2): 2.1, no. 588; R. Cagnat, Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes (Paris 1911) I, no. 118; A. Degrassi. Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae (Firenze 1957) no. 513; L. Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae (Rome 1968) no. 1; A. Raggi, “Senatus Consultum de Asclepiade Clazomenio Sociisque,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 135 (2001) 73-116; SEG 51.1427; AE 2005.52. Arthur E. Gordon Collection |
Tipo |
Photographs |