Time of Flight Measurements for Neutrons Produced in Reactions Driven by Laser-Target Interactions at Petawatt level

Autoria(s): Kisyov, S.; Negoita, F.; Gugiu, M.M.; Higginson, D.P.; Vassura, L.; Borghesi, M.; Bernstein, L.; Bleuel, D.L.; Gobet, F.; Goldblum, B.L.; Green, A.; Hannachi, F.; Kar, S.; Petrascu, H.; Pietreanu, D.; Quentin, L.; Schroer, A.-M.; Tarisien, M.; Versteegen, M.; Willi, O.; Antici, P.; Fuchs, J.



Abstract Short intense pulses of fast neutrons were produced in a two stage laser-driven experiment. Protons were accelerated by means of the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) method using the TITAN facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Neutrons were obtained following interactions of the protons with a secondary lithium fluoride (LiF) target. The properties of the neutron flux were studied using BC-400 plastic scintillation detectors and the neutron time of flight (nTOF) technique. The detector setup and the experimental conditions were simulated with the Geant4 toolkit. The effects of different components of the experimental setup on the nTOF were studied. Preliminary results from a comparison between experimental and simulated nTOF distributions are presented.









Kisyov , S , Negoita , F , Gugiu , M M , Higginson , D P , Vassura , L , Borghesi , M , Bernstein , L , Bleuel , D L , Gobet , F , Goldblum , B L , Green , A , Hannachi , F , Kar , S , Petrascu , H , Pietreanu , D , Quentin , L , Schroer , A-M , Tarisien , M , Versteegen , M , Willi , O , Antici , P & Fuchs , J 2015 , Time of Flight Measurements for Neutrons Produced in Reactions Driven by Laser-Target Interactions at Petawatt level . in International Conference on Laser Applications at Accelerators, LA3NET 2015, 25-27 March 2015, Mallorca, Spain . vol. 77 , pp. 29-33 . DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.006

Palavras-Chave #simulations #neutron detection #TNSA #intense neutron flux
