Mental logic and its difficulties with disjunction

Autoria(s): López-Astorga, Miguel; University of Talca



The mental logic theory does not accept the disjunction introduction rule of standard propositional calculus as a natural schema of the human mind. In this way, the problem that I want to show in this paper is that, however, that theory does admit another much more complex schema in which the mentioned rule must be used as a previous step. So, I try to argue that this is a very important problem that the mental logic theory needs to solve, and claim that another rival theory, the mental models theory, does not have these difficulties.






Ediciones Complutense


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Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación; Vol 66 (2016); 195-209

Palavras-Chave #disjunction; mental logic; mental models; semantic possibilities


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