Investigation of escape response of Norwegian Pecten maximus

Autoria(s): Schalkhausser, Burgel; Bock, Christian; Stemmer, Kristina; Brey, Thomas; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Lannig, Gisela

DATE/TIME START: 2011-01-31T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2011-04-21T00:00:00




The ongoing process of ocean acidification already affects marine life and, according to the concept of oxygen- and capacity limitation of thermal tolerance (OCLTT), these effects may be exacerbated at the boarders of the thermal tolerance window. We studied the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on clapping performance and energy metabolism of the commercially important scallop Pecten maximus. Individuals were exposed for at least 30 days to 4°C (winter) or to 10°C (spring/summer) at either ambient (0.04 kPa, normocapnia) or predicted future PCO2 levels (0.11 kPa, hypercapnia). Cold (4°C) exposed groups revealed thermal stress exacerbated by PCO2 indicated by a high mortality overall and its increase from 55% under normocapnia to 90% under hypercapnia. We therefore excluded the 4°C groups from further experimentation. Scallops at 10°C showed impaired clapping performance following hypercapnic exposure. Force production was significantly reduced although the number of claps was unchanged between normo- and hypercapnia exposed scallops. The difference between maximal and resting metabolic rate (aerobic scope) of the hypercapnic scallops was significantly reduced compared to normocapnic animals, indicating a reduction in net aerobic scope. Our data confirm that ocean acidification narrows the thermal tolerance range of scallops resulting in elevated vulnerability to temperature extremes and impairs the animal's performance capacity with potentially detrimental consequences for its fitness and survival in the ocean of tomorrow.


application/zip, 5 datasets








Schalkhausser, Burgel; Bock, Christian; Stemmer, Kristina; Brey, Thomas; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Lannig, Gisela (2013): Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological processes in experiments of the Norwegian sea. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.820432 (Carbonate chemistry recalculation by seacarb)


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Schalkhausser, Burgel; Bock, Christian; Stemmer, Kristina; Brey, Thomas; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Lannig, Gisela (2013): Impact of ocean acidification on escape performance of the king scallop, Pecten maximus, from Norway. Marine Biology, 160(8), 1995-2006, doi:10.1007/s00227-012-2057-8

Palavras-Chave #Advanced Force Gauge (AFG), Mecmesin, 50 N; BIOACID; Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification; Biomass, dry mass; Biomass, shell, dry mass; Biomass, shell, wet mass; Biomass, wet mass; Biom dm; Biom shell dm; Biom shell wm; Biom wm; Blood gas analyser, Eschweiler, MT 33; Calculated; Calculated using CO2SYS; Carbon, inorganic, dissolved; Carbon dioxide, partial pressure; CI; Claps; Condition index; Date/Time; DATE/TIME; DIC; Duration; Duration, number of days; end condition, hdl:10013/epic.40044.d001; extra cellular; extra cellular, apparent; extra cellular, NBS; F; fatigue condition, dry weight; Force; Gas chromatography, Agilent 6890 N GC System, Agilent Technologies; Incubation time; Label; MCI; mean phasic, Pecten maximus; Muscle, diameter; Muscle, dry mass; Muscle, wet mass; Muscle condition index; Muscle diam; Muscle dm; Muscle wm; NAS; NBS; Net aerobic scope; Number of claps; Oxygen optode, PreSens, Type Heilmayer; P. maximus [HCO3]- (ha); P. maximus h; P. maximus l; P. maximus MO2 con; P. maximus pCO2 (ha); P. maximus pH (ha); P. maximus pO2 (ha); P. maximus TCO2 (ha); P. maximus w; pCO2; Pecten maximus; Pecten maximus, dry weight; Pecten maximus, haemolymph, bicarbonate ion; Pecten maximus, haemolymph, carbon dioxide partial pressure; Pecten maximus, haemolymph, oxygen partial pressure; Pecten maximus, haemolymph, pH; Pecten maximus, haemolymph, total carbon dioxide; Pecten maximus, height; Pecten maximus, left valve; Pecten maximus, length; Pecten maximus, metabolic oxygen consumption; Pecten maximus, right valve; Pecten maximus, width; pH; pH meter (WTW pH 3310); resting condition, dry weight; Sal; Salinity; Saliometer, WTW ProfiLine Cond 1970i; Sample code/label; Seal Analytical QuAAtro analyser; sea water; start condition, hdl:10013/epic.40044.d001; Temp; Temperature, water; Temperature probe; tonic, Pecten maximus; total, Pecten maximus; total scale; Treatm; Treatment; Vernier caliper; Weighted
