Pollen profile Tegeler See, Brandenburg, Germany

Autoria(s): Brande, Arthur

LATITUDE: 52.586110 * LONGITUDE: 13.256940 * DATE/TIME START: 1973-11-17T12:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1973-11-17T12:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.180 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 15.285 m




The region D-s (Fig. 15.8) belongs to the Weichselian glaciated area of the North German lowlands and is a section of the older part of the young moraine landscape. The Warsaw-Berlin Urstromtal with the Spree River and the Havel lake-river system subdivide the region into four subregions, including a northern, southern and western ground moraine plateau. The region as a whole comprises the former West-Berlin, surrounded by the late GDR.


text/tab-separated-values, 38976 data points









Brande, Arthur (1980): Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen im Spätglazial und frühen Postglazial Berlins. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, 115, 21-72

Brande, Arthur (2010): Zur Landschafts-, Vegetations- und Seegeschichte. Mit Pollendiagramm Tegeler See. In: Sukopp, H; Sukopp, S; Mollenhauer, D; Krauss, M; Brande, A: Botanisch-historische Exkursion Tegeler See am 13.9.2009. Verhandlungen Botanischer Verein Berlin Brandenburg, 143, 315-322


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Brande, Arthur (1996): Type region D-s, Berlin. In: Berglund, BE; Birks, HJB; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M; Wright, HE (eds.) Palaeoecological events during the last 15000 years:regional syntheses of palaeoecological studies of lakes and mires in Europe. Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, 518-523, hdl:10013/epic.40124.d001

Palavras-Chave #Abies; Acer; Achillea-type; Alisma; Alnus; Alnus viridis-type; Anemone-type; Anthericum; Anthoceros; Apiaceae; Arctostaphylos; Artemisia; Asteraceae subfam. Asteroideae undifferentiated; Asteraceae tribe Lactuceae; Berlin, Germany; Berula-type; Betula; Boraginaceae; Botrychium; Botryococcus; Brassicaceae; Bupleurum-type; Calluna; Caltha-type; Calystegia; Campanulaceae; Carpinus; Caryophyllaceae; Castanea; Centaurea cyanus; Centaurea jacea-type; Centaurea scabiosa-type; Cerastium-type; Cerealia-type; Cerealia undifferentiated; Chenopodiaceae; Cirsium-type; Cladium; Convolvulus arvensis; Cornus sanguinea; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Cyperaceae; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Dianthus-type; Dryas-type; Dryopteris; Empetrum/Ledum-type; Ephedra distachya; Ephedra fragilis; Epilobium; Equisetum; Ericaceae; Euonymus; Euphorbia; Fabaceae; Fagopyrum; Fagus; Filipendula; Fraxinus; Genista-type; Geraniaceae; Geum-type; Gypsophila; Hand push corer; Hedera; Helianthemum; Heracleum-type; Hippophae; Hippuris; Hordeum-type; HSR; Humulus/Cannabis; Huperzia selago; Hydrocotyle; Hypericum-type; Hystrix; Ilex aquifolium; Impatiens; Indeterminable: indeterminata; Jasione; Juniperus; Knautia; Lamiaceae; Lemnaceae; Lotus; Lychnis-type; Lycopodium annotinum; Lycopodium clavatum-type; Lysimachia; Lythrum; Melampyrum; Menyanthes; Mercurialis perennis; Myriophyllum spicatum; Nuphar; Nymphaea; Onobrychis-type; Ononis-type; Ophioglossum; Papaver argemone; Papaver-type; Parnassia; Pediastrum; Picea; Pinus; Plantago lanceolata; Plantago major/media; Plantago maritima-type; Plantago undifferentiated; Poaceae; Pollen, prequaternary; Polygonum amphibium; Polygonum aviculare; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polypodiaceae undifferentiated; Polypodium; Populus; Potamogeton natans-type; Potentilla-type; Pteridium; Quercus; Ranunculaceae undifferentiated; Ranunculus acris-type; Ranunculus ficaria-type; Ranunculus subgen. Batrachium-type; Rhamnus cathartica; Rhamnus subgen. Frangula; Rhinanthus-type; Rosaceae; Rubiaceae; Rumex acetosa-type; Rumex subgen. Rumex; Sagina; Salix; Sambucus; Sanguisorba minor; Sanguisorba officinalis; Scabiosa; Scirpus-type; Scleranthus annuus; Scleranthus perennis; Scrophulariaceae; Secale; Sedum; Selaginella selaginoides; Solanum dulcamara; Sorbus-type; Sparganium; Sphagnum; Stachys-type; Stratiotes; Succisa; Symphytum; Taxus; Tegeler_See; Thalictrum; Thelypteris; Tilia; Tofieldia-type; Trifolium-type; Trollius-type; Typha angustifolia; Typha latifolia-type; Ulmus; Urticaceae; Vaccinium-type; Valerianaceae; Varia; Verbena; Viburnum; Vicia-type; Viscum; Xanthium
