Reconstructions of eolian dust accumulation in northwest African margin sediments

Autoria(s): McGee, David; deMenocal, Peter B; Winckler, Gisela; Stuut, Jan-Berend W; Bradtmiller, Louisa I





Reconstructions of eolian dust accumulation in northwest African margin sediments provide important continuous records of past changes in atmospheric circulation and aridity in the region. Existing records indicate dramatic changes in North African dust emissions over the last 20 ka, but the limited spatial extent of these records and the lack of high-resolution flux data do not allow us to determine whether changes in dust deposition occurred with similar timing, magnitude and abruptness throughout northwest Africa. Here we present new records from a meridional transect of cores stretching from 31°N to 19°N along the northwest African margin. By combining grain size endmember modeling with 230Th-normalized fluxes for the first time, we are able to document spatial and temporal changes in dust deposition under the North African dust plume throughout the last 20 ka. Our results provide quantitative estimates of the magnitude of dust flux changes associated with Heinrich Stadial 1, the Younger Dryas, and the African Humid Period (AHP; ~11.7-5 ka), offering robust targets for model-based estimates of the climatic and biogeochemical impacts of past changes in North African dust emissions. Our data suggest that dust fluxes between 8 and 6 ka were a factor of ~5 lower than average fluxes during the last 2 ka. Using a simple model to estimate the effects of bioturbation on dust input signals, we find that our data are consistent with abrupt, synchronous changes in dust fluxes in all cores at the beginning and end of the AHP. The mean ages of these transitions are 11.8±0.2 ka (1Sigma) and 4.9±0.2 ka, respectively.


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North African Dust Deposition Fluxes Over the last 20,000 years (URI:


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Supplement to: McGee, David; deMenocal, Peter B; Winckler, Gisela; Stuut, Jan-Berend W; Bradtmiller, Louisa I (2013): The magnitude, timing and abruptness of changes in North African dust deposition over the last 20,000yr. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371-372, 163-176, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.03.054

Palavras-Chave #-; 0.39 µm; 0.412-0.375 µm; 0.43 µm; 0.452-0.412 µm; 0.47 µm; 0.496-0.452 µm; 0.52 µm; 0.545-0.496 µm; 0.57 µm; 0.598-0.545 µm; 0.63 µm; 0.656-0.598 µm; 0.69 µm; 0.721-0.656 µm; 0.76 µm; 0.791-0.721 µm; 0.83 µm; 0.868-0.791 µm; 0.91 µm; 0.948-1.041 mm; 0.953-0.868 µm; 1.041-1.143 mm; 1.047-0.953 µm; 1.1 µm; 1.143-1.255 mm; 1.149-1.047 µm; 1.2 µm; 1.255-1.377 mm; 1.261-1.149 µm; 1.32 µm; 1.377-1.512 mm; 1.384 -1.261 µm; 1.45 µm; 1.512-1.66 mm; 1.520-1.384 µm; 1.59 µm; 1.668-1.520 µm; 1.75 µm; 1.822-1.660 mm; 1.832-1.668 µm; 1.92 µm; 1 µm; 10.29 µm; 10.78-9.818 µm; 101.1-92.09 µm; 105.9 µm; 1090.8 µm; 11.29 µm; 11.83-10.78 µm; 111.0-101.1 µm; 116.3 µm; 1197.7 µm; 12.4 µm; 12.99-11.83 µm; 121.8-111.0 µm; 127.6 µm; 13.61 µm; 1314.6 µm; 133.7-121.8 µm; 14.26-12.99 µm; 14.94 µm; 140.1 µm; 1442.9 µm; 146.8-133.7 µm; 15.65-14.26 µm; 153.8 µm; 1584.3 µm; 16.4 µm; 161.2-146.8 µm; 168.9 µm; 17.18-15.65 µm; 1739.1 µm; 176.9-161.2 µm; 18.86-17.18 µm; 18 µm; 185.3 µm; 19.76 µm; 1908.9 µm; 194.2-176.9 µm; 1 sd; 2.010-1.832 µm; 2.11 µm; 2.207-2.010 µm; 2.31 µm; 2.423-2.207 µm; 2.54 µm; 2.660-2.423 µm; 2.79 µm; 2.920-2.660 µm; 20.70-18.86 µm; 2000-1822 µm; 203.5 µm; 21.7 µm; 213.2-194.2 µm; 213.2-234.1 µm; 22.73-20.70 µm; 223.4 µm; 23.81 µm; 230Th; 230Th flux norm; 230Th flux norm std dev; 230Th std dev; 230Th xs; 230Th xs,0; 230Th xs,0 std dev; 230Th xs std dev; 232Th; 232Th std dev; 234.1-256.8 µm; 238U; 238U std dev; 24.95-22.73 µm; 245.2 µm; 256.8-282.1 µm; 26.14 µm; 269.2 µm; 27.38-24.95 µm; 28.7 µm; 282.1-309.6 µm; 295.5 µm; 3.06 µm; 3.205-2.920 µm; 3.36 µm; 3.519-3.205 µm; 3.69 µm; 3.862-3.519 µm; 30.07-27.38 µm; 309.6-339.8 µm; 31.51 µm; 324.4 µm; 33.01-30.07 µm; 339.8-373.1 µm; 34.59 µm; 356.1 µm; 36.24-33.01 µm; 37.97 µm; 373.1-409.6 µm; 39.77-36.24 µm; 390.9 µm; 4.05 µm; 4.240-3.863 µm; 4.44 µm; 4.655-4.240 µm; 4.88 µm; 409.6-449.7 µm; 41.68 µm; 429.2 µm; 43.67-39.78 µm; 449.7-493.6 µm; 45.76 µm; 47.94-43.67 µm; 471.1 µm; 493.6-541.9 µm; 5.110-4.655 µm; 5.35 µm; 5.610-5.110 µm; 5.88 µm; 50.23 µm; 517.2 µm; 52.62-47.94 µm; 541.9-594.9 µm; 55.13 µm; 567.7 µm; 57.77-52.62 µm; 594.9-653 µm; 6.158-5.611 µm; 6.45 µm; 6.761-6.158 µm; 60.52 µm; 623.2 µm; 63.41-57.77 µm; 653.0-716.9 µm; 66.44 µm; 684.2 µm; 69.62-63.41 µm; 7.08 µm; 7.421-6.760 µm; 7.78 µm; 716.9-786.9 µm; 72.94 µm; 751 µm; 76.42-69.61 µm; 786.9-863.9 µm; 8.147-7.421 µm; 8.54 µm; 8.943-8.147 µm; 80.07 µm; 824.5 µm; 83.89-76.42 µm; 863.9-948.2 µm; 87.89 µm; 9.37 µm; 9.818-8.943 µm; 905.1 µm; 92.09-83.90 µm; 96.49 µm; 993.6 µm; A (Agreement Index); Age; AGE; Age, 14C calibrated; Age, 14C calibrated, MARINE09 (Reimer et al., 2009); Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age model; Age model, 95% CI, lower limit; Age model, 95% CI, upper limit; Age std dev; Beckman Coulter Laser diffraction particle size analyzer LS 200; Bulk flux; C (Convergence Index); CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; CI; Comment; Confidence interval; Coulometry; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth w.e.; Depth water equivalent; Detrital flux; Distance; Distance to 120 m isobath; Distance to modern shoreline; Dust (EM1+EM2); Dust flux; EM; EM1; EM2; EM3; EM flux; End member, dimensionless; End member flux; Event; ICP-MS, Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry; ID; Identification; Index; Mean LSR; Median age; Modeled, Median age; Modeled (ka BP), 95% CI, lower limit; Modeled (ka BP), 95% CI, upper limit; Parameter; RMSE; Root mean square error; Sea lev cor; Sea level, corrected; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; Size fraction 0.412-0.375 µm; Size fraction 0.452-0.412 µm; Size fraction 0.496-0.452 µm; Size fraction 0.545-0.496 µm; Size fraction 0.598-0.545 µm; Size fraction 0.656-0.598 µm; Size fraction 0.721-0.656 µm; Size fraction 0.791-0.721 µm; Size fraction 0.868-0.791 µm; Size fraction 0.948-1.041 mm; Size fraction 0.953-0.868 µm; Size fraction 1.041-1.143 mm; Size fraction 1.047-0.953 µm; Size fraction 1.143-1.255 mm; Size fraction 1.149-1.047 µm; Size fraction 1.255-1.377 mm; Size fraction 1.261-1.149 µm; Size fraction 1.377-1.512 mm; Size fraction 1.384 -1.261 µm; Size fraction 1.512-1.660 mm; Size fraction 1.520-1.384 µm; Size fraction 1.668-1.520 µm; Size fraction 1.822-1.660 mm; Size fraction 1.832-1.668 µm; Size fraction 10.78-9.818 µm; Size fraction 101.1-92.09 µm; Size fraction 11.83-10.78 µm; Size fraction 111.0-101.1 µm; Size fraction 12.99-11.83 µm; Size fraction 121.8-111.0 µm; Size fraction 133.7-121.8 µm; Size fraction 14.26-12.99 µm; Size fraction 146.8-133.7 µm; Size fraction 15.65-14.26 µm; Size fraction 161.2-146.8 µm; Size fraction 17.18-15.65 µm; Size fraction 176.9-161.2 µm; Size fraction 18.86-17.18 µm; Size fraction 194.2-176.9 µm; Size fraction 2.000-1.822 mm; Size fraction 2.010-1.832 µm; Size fraction 2.207-2.010 µm; Size fraction 2.423-2.207 µm; Size fraction 2.660-2.423 µm; Size fraction 2.920-2.660 µm; Size fraction 20.70-18.86 µm; Size fraction 213.2-194.2 µm; Size fraction 213.2-234.1 µm; Size fraction 22.73-20.70 µm; Size fraction 234.1-256.8 µm; Size fraction 24.95-22.73 µm; Size fraction 256.8-282.1 µm; Size fraction 27.38-24.95 µm; Size fraction 282.1-309.6 µm; Size fraction 3.205-2.920 µm; Size fraction 3.519-3.205 µm; Size fraction 3.862-3.519 µm; Size fraction 30.07-27.38 µm; Size fraction 309.6-339.8 µm; Size fraction 33.01-30.07 µm; Size fraction 339.8-373.1 µm; Size fraction 36.24-33.01 µm; Size fraction 373.1-409.6 µm; Size fraction 39.77-36.24 µm; Size fraction 4.240-3.863 µm; Size fraction 4.655-4.240 µm; Size fraction 409.6-449.7 µm; Size fraction 43.67-39.78 µm; Size fraction 449.7-493.6 µm; Size fraction 47.94-43.67 µm; Size fraction 493.6-541.9 µm; Size fraction 5.110-4.655 µm; Size fraction 5.610-5.110 µm; Size fraction 52.62-47.94 µm; Size fraction 541.9-594.9 µm; Size fraction 57.77-52.62 µm; Size fraction 594.9-653.0 µm; Size fraction 6.158-5.611 µm; Size fraction 6.761-6.158 µm; Size fraction 63.41-57.77 µm; Size fraction 653.0-716.9 µm; Size fraction 69.62-63.41 µm; Size fraction 7.421-6.760 µm; Size fraction 716.9-786.9 µm; Size fraction 76.42-69.61 µm; Size fraction 786.9-863.9 µm; Size fraction 8.147-7.421 µm; Size fraction 8.943-8.147 µm; Size fraction 83.89-76.42 µm; Size fraction 863.9-948.2 µm; Size fraction 9.818-8.943 µm; Size fraction 92.09-83.90 µm; Thorium 230; Thorium 230, flux normalized; Thorium 230, flux normalized, standard deviation; Thorium 230, standard deviation; Thorium 230 excess; Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected; Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected, standard deviation; Thorium 230 excess, standard deviation; Thorium 232; Thorium 232, standard deviation; Unmodeled, Median age; Unmodeled (ka BP), 95% CI, lower limit; Unmodeled (ka BP), 95% CI, upper limit; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, standard deviation; Water depth
