Benthic foraminifera in Southwest Indian Ocean surface sediments

Autoria(s): Corliss, Bruce H

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -30.538913 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 58.773578 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -45.660000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 45.650000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -16.360000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 73.883000 * DATE/TIME START: 1960-01-08T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1974-05-07T00:00:00




The distribution of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera in core top samples from the southwest Indian Ocean is examined. Principal component analysis reveals two major assemblages. One assemblages between 3600 and 4800-m water depth is dominated by Episominella umbonifera and is associated with cold (Theta = -0.3 to 0.8°C), low salinity (34.66 to 34.72 * 10**-3) Antarctic Bottom Water in the Crozet Basin, in fracture zones, and on the flanks of the Southwest Indian Ridge. A second assemblage, dominated by Planulina wuellerstorfi, Globocassidulina subglobasa, Astrononion echolsi and Pullenia bulloides, is between 1600 and 3800 m on the Crozet Plateau, Madagascar Ridge, Central Indian Ridge, and Southwest Indian Ridge and is associated with relatively warm (Theta = 0.8 to 2.6°C), high salinity (34.72 to 34.76 * 10**-3) North Atlantic Deep Water. The third principal component divides the P. wuellerstorfi assemblage into two subgroups. One is dominated by Epistominella exigua, P. bulloides, P. wuellerstorfi, and A. echolsi and a second is dominated by G. subglobosa. The distribution of the E. umbonifera assemblage and previous hydrographic studies suggest that AABW flows as a western boundary contour current in the Crozet Basin and penetrates fracture zones in the Southwest Indian Ridge between 55 and 57°E and near 66°E as it travels northward into the Madagascar and Mascarene basins. The faunal-water mass associations from the southeast Indian Ocean are compared; the most notable faunal difference is the absence of Uvigerina as a dominant taxon in the southwest Indian Ocean. A comparison of dissolved oxygen and Uvigerina data shows that oxygen is not a major influence upon the distribution of Uvigerina. A correlation analysis of the faunal data and water depth, potential temperature, in situ temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and 1 - Omega, an index of calcium carbonate undersaturation, was carried out to determine the relationships between fauna and hydrography. The second principal component has a significant positive correlation at the 99.9% level with temperature and negative correlations with water depth and 1 - Omega. A general faunal-water mass correlation exists, but it is not possible to determine which variable controls the faunal distributions.


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Supplement to: Corliss, Bruce H (1983): Distribution of Holocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera in the southwest Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 30(2), 95-117, doi:10.1016/0198-0149(83)90064-X

Palavras-Chave #A. echolsi; AII15-765; AII15-766; Anomalinoides sp.; AR4-55; Argo; Astrononion echolsi; B. aculeata; B. alazanensis; Bulimina aculeata; Bulimina alazanensis; C. crassa; C. kullenbergi; C. reflexa; Cassidulina crassa; Cassidulina reflexa; Cibicidoides kullenbergi; Counting >150 µm fraction; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DODO; DODO-131; DODO-148; DODO-149; DODO-151G; E. bradyi; E. exigua; E. trigona; E. umbonifera; Eggerella bradyi; Ehrenbergina sp.; Ehrenbergina trigona; Epistominella exigua; Epistominella umbonifera; Event; Factor 2; Factor 3; Fissurina spp.; Foram bent agg ind; Foraminifera, benthic agglutinated indeterminata; G. orbicularis; G. soldanii; G. subglobosa; GC; Globocassidulina subglobosa; Gravity corer; Gyroidina sp.; Gyroidinoides orbicularis; Gyroidinoides soldanii; H. elegans; Hoeglundina elegans; Horizon; Indian Ocean; K. bradyi; Karreriella bradyi; L. pauperata; Lagena spp.; Laticarinina pauperata; LSDA; LSDA-122G; LSDA-123G; LSDH; LSDH-025G; LUSIAD-A; LUSIAD-H; M. barleeanus; M. pompilioides; Melonis barleeanus; Melonis pompilioides; MONS01AR-MONS08AR; MONSOON; MSN-55G; MSN-56P; MSN-61G; MSN-62G; N. germanicum; Nonion germanicum; O. tener; Oolina spp.; Oridorsalis tener; P. bulloides; P. murrhina; P. osloensis; P. simplex; P. wuellerstorfi; Parafissurina spp.; PC; PC2; PC3; Piston corer; Planulina wuellerstorfi; Pullenia bulloides; Pullenia osloensis; Pullenia simplex; Pyrgo murrhina; Quinqueloculina cf. weaveri; RC11; RC11-101; RC11-103; RC14; RC14-12A; RC17; RC17-63; RC17-80; RC17-81; RC17-82; RC17-83; RC17-84; RC17-85; RC17-88TW; RC17-90; RC17-92; RC17-93; RC17-94; RC17-95; RC17-97; Robert Conrad; S. catenata; Siphotextularia catenata; sp. 1; sp. 2; Species; Textularia spp.; U. peregrina; Uvigerina peregrina; Uvigerina sp.; V16; V16-65; V16-66; V18; V18-191; V18-193; V20; V20-170; V20-174; V20-175; V24; V24-201; V24-208; V29; V29-76; Vema
