Sedimentology and faunal compositions of surface sediments from the southern Florida Strait

Autoria(s): Schwarz, Johanna; Rendle-Bühring, Rebecca





The water masses in the Florida Straits and Bahamas region are important sources for the Northern Atlantic surface ocean circulation. In this study, we analyse carbonate preservation in surface sediments located above the chemical lysocline in the Florida Straits and Bahamas region and discuss possible reasons for supralysoclinal dissolution. Calcite dissolution proxies such as the variation of the foraminiferal assemblage, Fragmentation Index, Benthic Foraminifera Index, and Resistance Index displayed a good preservation in both areas. The pteropod species Limacina inflata showed very good preservation in sediments of inter-platform channels from the Great Bahama Bank (Providence Channel, Exuma Sound) above the aragonite lysocline. Supralysoclinal aragonite dissolution, however, was observed at two water depth levels (800-1000 m and below 1500 m) in the Florida Straits. Our observations suggest that the supralysoclinal dissolution in the Florida Straits is due to the degradation of organic material. The presence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) may be a contributing factor for the significant aragonite dissolution in 800-1000 m. The comparison of modern preservation patterns of the surface sediments with hydrographical measurements shows that the L. inflata Dissolution Index (LDX) might be an adequate proxy to reconstruct paleo-water mass conditions in an area which is highly saturated with respect to calcium carbonate.


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Supplement to: Schwarz, Johanna; Rendle-Bühring, Rebecca (2005): Controls on modern carbonate preservation in the southern Florida Straits. Sedimentary Geology, 175, 153-167, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2004.12.024

Palavras-Chave #<63 µm; >1 mm; >63 µm; 0006JPC; 0012GGC; 0024GGC; 0028GGC; 0031GGC; 0033GGC; 0035GGC; 0038GGC; 0041GGC; 0043GGC; 0046PC; 0048BC; 0050BC; 0051BC; 0052BC; 0053BC; 0054BC; 0055BC; 0069BC; 0070BC; 0072BC; 0075GGC; 0096GGC; 0097JPC; 0098GGC; 0099JPC; 0100GGC; 0101JPC; 0103GGC; 0106GGC; 0107JPC; 0108GGC; 0110GGC; 0111GGC; 0140GGC; 0141JPC; 0142JPC; 0143GGC; 0145GGC; 0148GGC; 0151GCG; 0153GGC; 1-0.5 mm; 125-63 µm; 250-125 µm; 500-250 µm; Aragonite; Aragonite (integrated peak area); Arg; Arg (int peak A); Artifacts; Artifacts (Liner); BC; Biog; Biogenic particles; Bivalvia; Bivalvia fragm; Bivalvia fragments; Box corer; Bulimina sp.; C. acicula acicula; C. acicula clava; C. inflexa; C. nitida; C. virgula; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated, CaCO3=(TC-TOC)*8.333; Candeina nitida; Carbon, inorganic, total; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total; Cavolinia inflexa; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; Clio sp.; Coarse fraction/modal analysis; Comp indet; Components indeterminata; Counting >150 µm fraction; Creseis acicula acicula; Creseis acicula clava; Creseis virgula; D. trispinosa; Density, wet bulk; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Diacria trispinosa; Dry m; Dry mass; Eastern slope of Great Bahama Bank; Echinodermata fragments; Echinod fragm; Element analyser CS, LECO CS-200; Event; Exuma Sound; Exuma Sound, Providence Channel; Foram bent; Foram bent agg; Foram bent oth; Foraminifera, benthic; Foraminifera, benthic, other; Foraminifera, benthic agglutinated; Foraminifera, planktic; Foraminifera, planktic, fragments; Foraminifera, planktic, other; Foram plankt; Foram plankt fragm; Foram plankt oth; Fraction; Fragm; Fragments; Fragments of bivalves/gastropods; G. aequilateralis; G. bulloides; G. calida; G. conglobatus; G. conglomerata; G. crassaformis; G. culturata; G. digitata; G. glutinata; G. inflata; G. menardii d; G. menardii s; G. ruber p; G. ruber w; G. rubescens pink; G. rubescens white; G. sacculifer sacculifer; G. sacculifer trilobus; G. tenellus; G. truncatulinoides d; G. truncatulinoides s; G. tumida; Gastropoda; GC; Gilliss; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina digitata; Globigerinella aequilateralis; Globigerinella calida; Globigerinita glutinata; Globigerinoides conglobatus; Globigerinoides ruber pink; Globigerinoides ruber white; Globigerinoides sacculifer sacculifer; Globigerinoides sacculifer trilobus; Globigerinoides tenellus; Globoquadrina conglomerata; Globorotalia crassaformis; Globorotalia cultrata; Globorotalia inflata; Globorotalia menardii dextral; Globorotalia menardii sinistral; Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral; Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral; Globorotalia tumida; Globoturborotalita rubescens pink; Globoturborotalita rubescens white; Grains; Grains, counted/analyzed; Grain size, sieving; Gravity corer; GS7603; GS7603-10; GS-7603-10; GS7603-11; GS-7603-11; GS7603-12; GS-7603-12; GS7603-13; GS-7603-13; GS7603-14; GS-7603-14; GS7603-7; GS-7603-7; GS7603-8; GS-7603-8; GS7603-9; GS-7603-9; Hastigerina sp.; Heteropoda; High magnesium calcite; High magnesium calcite (integrated peak area); HMC; HMC (int peak A); L. bulimoides; L. inflata; L. lesueuri; L. trochiformis; Label; LDX; Limacina bulimoides; Limacina dissolution index; Limacina inflata; Limacina lesueuri; Limacina trochiformis; LMC; LMC (int peak A); Low magnesium calcite; Low magnesium calcite (integrated peak area); MARUM; N. dutertrei; N. pachyderma d; Neogloboquadrina dutertrei; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral and dutertrei integrade; O. universa; OC205-02; OC205-02_0006JPC; OC205-02_0012GGC; OC205-02_0024GGC; OC205-02_0028GGC; OC205-02_0031GGC; OC205-02_0033GGC; OC205-02_0035GGC; OC205-02_0038GGC; OC205-02_0041GGC; OC205-02_0043GGC; OC205-02_0046PC; OC205-02_0048BC; OC205-02_0050BC; OC205-02_0051BC; OC205-02_0052BC; OC205-02_0053BC; OC205-02_0054BC; OC205-02_0055BC; OC205-02_0069BC; OC205-02_0070BC; OC205-02_0072BC; OC205-02_0075GGC; OC205-02_0096GGC; OC205-02_0097JPC; OC205-02_0098GGC; OC205-02_0099JPC; OC205-02_0100GGC; OC205-02_0101JPC; OC205-02_0103GGC; OC205-02_0106GGC; OC205-02_0107JPC; OC205-02_0108GGC; OC205-02_0110GGC; OC205-02_0111GGC; OC205-02_0140GGC; OC205-02_0141JPC; OC205-02_0142JPC; OC205-02_0143GGC; OC205-02_0145GGC; OC205-02_0148GGC; OC205-02_0151GCG; OC205-02_0153GGC; Oceanus; Oceanus205-02; Orbulina universa; Ostrac; Ostracoda; other fragments; Other fragments; others; Otolith; P/D int; P. obliquiloculata; P6401; P6401_4; P6401_5; P6401-4; P6401-5; P6408; P6408_23; P6408_24; P6408-23; P6408-24; P6804; P6804_005; P6804_006; P6804_007; P6804_008; P6804_009; P6804_012; P6804,005; P6804,006; P6804,007; P6804,008; P6804,009; P6804-12; P6807; P6807_030; P6807_031; P6807_032; P6807_033; P6807_034; P6807_035; P6807,030; P6807,031; P6807,032; P6807,033; P6807,034; P6807,035; P7008; P7008_1; P7008_2; P7008-1; P7008-2; P7102; P7102_004; P7102_005; P7102_006; P7102_007; P7102_008; P7102_009; P7102_012; P7102_013; P7102_014; P7102_015; P7102_030; P7102_031; P7102_032; P7102_033; P7102_034; P7102_035; P7102_036; P7102_037; P7102_038; P7102_041; P7102,004; P7102,005; P7102,006; P7102,007; P7102,008; P7102,009; P7102,012; P7102,013; P7102,014; P7102,015; P7102,030; P7102,031; P7102,032; P7102,033; P7102,034; P7102,035; P7102,036; P7102,037; P7102,038; P7102-41; Particle remains, other; Part rem oth; PC; peloid + grains; Peloids; Pillsbury; Piston corer; Providence Channel; Pterop fragm; Pteropoda; Pteropoda fragments; Pulleniatina obliquiloculata; Quartz, intensity; Qz; Rad; Radiolarians; S. dehiscens; Sample code/label; see reference(s); Size fraction; Size fraction (in µm) analysed; Size fraction < 0.063 mm, mud, pelite, silt+clay; Size fraction > 0.063 mm, sand; Size fraction > 1 mm, gravel; Size fraction 0.125-0.063 mm, 3.0-4.0 phi, very fine sand; Size fraction 0.250-0.125 mm, 2.0-3.0 phi, fine sand; Size fraction 0.500-0.250 mm, 1.0-2.0 phi, medium sand; Size fraction 1.000-0.500 mm, 0.0-1.0 phi, coarse sand; Sphaeroidinella dehiscens; Sponge spic; Sponge spiculae; Styliola sp.; T. humilis; T. quinqueloba; TC; TIC; TOC; TR-149; TR149-31; TR-149-31; TR149-32; TR-149-32; TR149-34; TR-149-34; TR149-35; TR-149-35; TR149-36; TR-149-36; TR149-37; TR-149-37; TR149-38a; TR-149-38a; TR149-38b; TR-149-38b; TRI149; Trident; Turborotalia humilis; Turborotalia quinqueloba; Uvigerina sp.; WBD; Wet m; Wet mass; X-ray diffraction (XRD)
