Estimation of sea surface temperature from sediment core PS1768-8

Autoria(s): Zielinski, Ulrich; Gersonde, Rainer; Sieger, Rainer; Fütterer, Dieter K

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -55.341866 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -4.212321 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -77.600000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -69.049000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -34.753200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 41.598333 * DATE/TIME START: 1983-12-09T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1994-05-14T00:00:00




The quantitative diatom analysis of 218 surface sediment samples recovered in the Atlantic and western Indian sector of the Southern Ocean is used to define a base of reference data for paleotemperature estimations from diatom assemblages using the Imbrie and Kipp transfer function method. The criteria which justify the exclusion of samples and species out of the raw data set in order to define a reference database are outlined and discussed. Sensitivity tests with eight data sets were achieved evaluating the effects of overall dominance of single species, different methods of species abundance ranking, and no-analog conditions (e.g., Eucampia Antarctica) on the estimated paleotemperatures. The defined transfer functions were applied on a sediment core from the northern Antarctic zone. Overall dominance of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in the diatom assemblages resulted in a close affinity between paleotemperature curve and relative abundance pattern of this species downcore. Logarithmic conversion of counting data applied with other ranking methods in order to compensate the dominance of F. kerguelensis revealed the best statistical results. A reliable diatom transfer function for future paleotemperature estimations is presented.


application/zip, 4 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Zielinski, Ulrich; Gersonde, Rainer; Sieger, Rainer; Fütterer, Dieter K (1998): Quaternary surface water temperature estimations: calibration of a diatom transfer funtion for the Southern Ocean. Paleoceanography, 13(4), 365-383, doi:10.1029/98PA01320

Palavras-Chave #A. actinochilus; A. marinus; A. tabularis var. egregius; Actinocyclus actinochilus; Adelaide Island; Agulhas Basin; Agulhas Ridge; Alveus marinus; Antarctic Peninsula; ANT-II/3; ANT-II/4; ANT-III/3; ANT-IV/3; ANT-IV/4; ANT-IX/2; ANT-IX/4; ANT-V/4; ANT-VI/2; ANT-VI/3; ANT-VIII/3; ANT-VIII/5; ANT-X/4; ANT-X/5; ANT-XI/2; ANT-XI/4; Argentine Islands; Atka Bay; Atlantic Indik Ridge; Atlantic Ridge; AWI_Paleo; Azpeitia tabularis var egregius; Barents Sea; Bransfield Strait; Calculated; Camp Norway; Cape Basin; Cape Fiske; Chaetoceros spp.; Conrad Rise; Cosmonaut Sea; Counting, diatoms; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; D93/18lg/3, continuous ranked data; D93/28/3, unmodified data; D93/29/3, unmodified data; D93/29lg/3, continuous ranked data; D93/29r1/3, stepwise ranked data; D93/29r2/3, stepwise ranked data; D93/29r3/3, stepwise ranked data; D93/30lg/3, continuous ranked data; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DEPTH, water; Depth water; Diatoms; Diatoms indet; Diatoms indeterminata; Drake Passage; E. antarctica; Elephant Island; Eucampia antarctica; Event; F. curta; F. doliolus; F. kerguelensis; F. obliquecostata; F. rhombica; F. ritscheri; F. separanda; F. sublinearis; Filchner Shelf; Filchner Trough; Fragilariopsis curta; Fragilariopsis doliolus; Fragilariopsis kerguelensis; Fragilariopsis obliquecostata; Fragilariopsis rhombica; Fragilariopsis ritscheri; Fragilariopsis separanda; Fragilariopsis sublinearis; Giant box corer; GKG; Gould Bay; Gravity corer (Kiel type); H. cuneiformis; Halley Bay; Hemidiscus cuneiformis; including F. cylindrus; Indian-Antarctic Ridge; Islas Orcadas; Joinville Island; Kapp Norvegia; King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula; Latitude; LATITUDE; Longitude; LONGITUDE; Lyddan Island; Maud Rise; Meteor Rise; MIC; MiniCorer; MUC; MultiCorer; N. bicapitata; Nitzschia bicapitata; P. pseudodenticulata; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; P-n turgiduloides; Polarstern; Porosira pseudodenticulata; Powell Basin; PS04; PS04/247; PS04/248; PS04/249; PS04/250; PS04/261; PS04/263; PS04/264; PS04/265; PS04/266; PS04/268; PS04/269; PS04/270; PS04/271; PS04/277; PS04/302; PS04/304; PS04/331; PS04/335; PS04/346; PS04/351; PS04/380; PS04/414; PS04/423; PS04/429; PS04/433; PS04/440; PS04/447; PS04/472; PS04/508; PS04/509; PS04/540; PS06/289; PS06/303; PS06/304; PS06/311; PS06/313; PS06 SIBEX; PS08; PS08/321; PS08/324; PS08/327; PS08/333; PS08/338; PS08/344; PS08/345; PS08/346; PS08/347; PS08/350; PS08/356; PS08/357; PS08/358; PS08/359; PS08/360; PS08/361; PS08/365; PS08/366; PS08/367; PS08/368; PS08/369; PS08/374; PS08/375; PS08/379; PS08/380; PS08/381; PS08/382; PS08/384; PS08/385; PS08/386; PS08/387; PS08/396; PS08/397; PS08/401; PS08/402; PS08/410; PS08/440; PS08/445; PS08/452; PS08/480; PS08/482; PS08/483; PS08/585; PS08/601; PS08/607; PS08/610; PS08/621; PS08/627; PS10; PS10/672; PS10/675; PS10/684; PS10/686; PS10/699; PS10/701; PS10/703; PS10/707; PS10/820; PS1160-2; PS1161-1; PS1162-1; PS1163-2; PS1174-2; PS1176-3; PS1177-3; PS1178-4; PS1179-1; PS1181-2; PS1182-2; PS1183-4; PS1184-6; PS1190-1; PS1192-1; PS1193-2; PS1195-2; PS1197-1; PS1199-1; PS12; PS12/116; PS12/119; PS12/122; PS12/127; PS12/128; PS12/129; PS12/186; PS12/195; PS12/196; PS12/199; PS12/250; PS12/545; PS12/551; PS12/553; PS12/557; PS1200-4; PS1204-1; PS1207-1; PS1208-1; PS1209-1; PS1210-1; PS1211-1; PS1212-1; PS1214-1; PS1222-1; PS1223-1; PS1225-2; PS1273-1; PS1277-1; PS1278-1; PS1281-1; PS1282-1; PS1363-3; PS1364-1; PS1366-2; PS1367-1; PS1370-1; PS1372-2; PS1373-2; PS1374-2; PS1375-2; PS1376-2; PS1380-1; PS1381-1; PS1382-1; PS1383-1; PS1384-1; PS1385-1; PS1387-1; PS1388-1; PS1389-1; PS1390-1; PS1391-1; PS1394-1; PS1395-1; PS1396-1; PS1397-1; PS1398-2; PS1399-1; PS1400-4; PS1401-2; PS1402-2; PS1403-1; PS1406-1; PS1407-1; PS1410-1; PS1411-1; PS1412-1; PS1419-1; PS1421-1; PS1424-1; PS1425-1; PS1427-1; PS1428-1; PS1452-1; PS1453-1; PS1454-1; PS1455-4; PS1459-4; PS1460-1; PS1472-4; PS1474-1; PS1477-1; PS1478-1; PS1483-2; PS1484-2; PS1485-1; PS1486-2; PS1508-2; PS1537-2; PS1539-1; PS1540-1; PS1542-1; PS1543-1; PS1544-1; PS1555-1; PS1559-1; PS1560-1; PS1563-1; PS1576-1; PS16; PS16/267; PS16/271; PS16/281; PS16/284; PS16/294; PS16/303; PS16/306; PS16/311; PS16/316; PS16/321; PS16/323; PS16/329; PS16/334; PS16/337; PS16/342; PS16/345; PS16/351; PS16/354; PS16/362; PS16/366; PS16/372; PS16/403; PS16/419; PS16/425; PS16/432; PS16/446; PS16/472; PS16/499; PS1649-1; PS1651-2; PS1652-1; PS1654-1; PS1751-2; PS1752-5; PS1755-1; PS1756-6; PS1759-1; PS1764-2; PS1765-1; PS1768-1; PS1768-8; PS1771-4; PS1772-6; PS1773-2; PS1774-1; PS1775-5; PS1776-6; PS1777-7; PS1778-1; PS1779-3; PS1780-1; PS1782-6; PS1783-1; PS1786-2; PS1787-1; PS1794-2; PS1795-1; PS1798-2; PS18; PS18/059; PS18/075; PS18/084; PS18/088; PS18/092; PS18/094; PS18/096; PS18/100; PS18/106; PS18/114; PS18/118; PS18/229; PS18/231; PS18/232; PS18/236; PS18/237; PS18/238; PS18/244; PS18/249; PS18/251; PS18/253; PS18/254; PS18/257; PS18/260; PS18/261; PS18/262; PS18/263; PS18/266; PS18/267; PS1800-2; PS1802-2; PS1803-2; PS18 06AQANTIX_2; PS1961-1; PS1967-1; PS1973-1; PS1975-1; PS1977-1; PS1978-1; PS1979-1; PS1981-1; PS1985-1; PS1987-1; PS1988-1; PS2073-1; PS2075-3; PS2076-1; PS2080-1; PS2081-1; PS2082-3; PS2087-1; PS2091-1; PS2093-1; PS2095-1; PS2096-1; PS2099-1; PS2102-1; PS2103-2; PS2104-1; PS2105-2; PS21 06AQANTX_4; PS2108-1; PS2109-3; PS22/714; PS22/717; PS22/718; PS22/720; PS22/722; PS22/727; PS22/737; PS22/744; PS22/748; PS22/764; PS22/769; PS22/797; PS22/805; PS22 06AQANTX_5; PS2230-1; PS2231-1; PS2233-1; PS2258-1; PS2259-1; PS2260-1; PS2261-1; PS2263-1; PS2265-2; PS2267-2; PS2268-6; PS2270-5; PS2275-1; PS2276-1; PS2299-1; PS2307-2; PS2491-5; PS2492-1; PS2493-3; PS2494-1; PS2495-1; PS2496-2; PS2498-2; PS2499-1; PS2500-7; PS2501-4; PS2502-3; PS2503-1; PS2504-1; PS2505-1; PS2506-1; PS2507-1; PS2508-1; PS2509-1; PS2511-1; PS2512-1; PS2513-1; PS2514-3; PS2561-1; PS2562-1; PS2563-3; PS2564-2; PS2566-1; PS2567-1; PS2600-1; PS2602-3; PS2604-4; PS2605-1; PS2606-3; PS2607-1; PS2609-2; PS2610-2; PS2611-3; PS28; PS28/264; PS28/277; PS28/280; PS28/289; PS28/293; PS28/298; PS28/304; PS28/314; PS28/316; PS28/329; PS28/334; PS28/337; PS28/339; PS28/342; PS28/345; PS28/347; PS28/350; PS28/352; PS28/361; PS28/367; PS28/373; PS28/375; PS30; PS30/030; PS30/038; PS30/043; PS30/048; PS30/055; PS30/097; PS30/137; PS30/139; PS30/141; PS30/143; PS30/144; PS30/145; PS30/147; PS30/155; PS30/156; Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides; R. antennata f semispina; R. bergonii; R. hebetata f semispina; R. tessellata; Rhizosolenia antennata forma semispina; Rhizosolenia bergonii; Rhizosolenia hebetata forma semispina; Roperia tessellata; S. microtrias; Scotia Sea, southwest Atlantic; Sea surface temperature, summer; Shona Ridge; SL; Source of measured summer temperature: Levitus, S (1982): Climatological atlas of the world ocean. NOAA Prof. Pap. 13, 173 pp. and Olbers, D, et al. (1992): Hydrographic atlas of the southern ocean. Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, 82 pp.; South Atlantic; South Atlantic Ocean; South Orkney; South Sandwich; South Sandwich Basin; South Sandwich Islands; South Sandwich Trough; SST sum; Stellarima microtrias; T. antarc/long gr; T. antarctica; T. gracilis var. expecta; T. lentiginosa; T. nitzschioides; T. nitzschioides gr; T. nitzschioides var. parva; T. oestrupii; T. oliverana; Temperature, water, interpolated; Temp interp; Thalassionema nitzschioides; Thalassionema nitzschioides group; Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva; Thalassiosira antarctica; Thalassiosira gracilis var. expecta; Thalassiosira lentiginosa; Thalassiosira oestrupii; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiothrix antarctica/longissima group; Transfer function (Imbrie & Kipp, 1971, in Turekian, Yale Univ Press); van Veen Grab; Vestkapp; VGRAB; Weddell Sea; Wegener Canyon
